GayToday, Nearly 8 Years Old, Says Goodbye to Its Readers
Jack Nichols
Jack Nichols Reflects on the History of a Unique Publication
Financial Considerations Force Publisher to Cease Operation
Compiled By GayToday
Cocoa Beach, Florida-In the wake of 4 recent hurricanes here in Florida where GayToday is published, I find myself, amid the wreckage, reflecting with pride and satisfaction on the joys of nearly eight years as this newsmagazine's editor. For me, today's sad news spells the end of an era.
Financial considerations have caused GayToday's owner to cease publishing.
Why a President's Pick of U.S. Judges Spells Life or Death
Quotes & Quips |
Enough of the handwringing! Enough of the doomsaying! Do I have to come there and personally calm you down? Stop with all the defeatism, OK? Bush IS a goner -- IF we all just quit our whining and bellyaching
Michael Moore
GayToday Publisher:
William G. Pinyon
GayToday Editor:
Jack Nichols
Contact GayToday:
“If you value skepticism in your news and expect the reporter to be open about his point of view, one of the best sources for news analysis is GayToday. With sections on technology, health, entertainment, reviews, people, and world events, this is a tabloid with professional standards -- all the writers have strong views and strong personalities -- and the writing is wonderful. The interviews and columns are often the strongest pieces, searching out today's activists as well as gay rights. Pat Robertson's 700 Club calls it ‘evil.’ Reason enough to drop by. ”
--Jeff Dawson, author of Gay and Lesbian Online: Your Indispensable Guide
to Cruising the Queer Web. 4th Edition
GayToday Contributing Writers:
Raj Ayyar, Bill Berkowitz, Perry Brass, Paul D. Cain, Patricia Conklin, John Demetry,
Corrine Hicks, Anita Lee, Robert N. Minor, Ph.D., Jesse Monteagudo, Jack Nichols, Rodger Streitmatter, Ph.D., Randolfe H. Wicker, Rex Wockner
"GayToday is indispensable for anyone interested in
gay life in America. There is nothing else like it
on the Internet. No important cultural or political
event ever escapes the scrutiny of Jack Nichols,
a great national resource who is the doyen of
gay journalists in America."
---Charles Kaiser, author of The Gay Metropolis:
The Landmark History of Gay Life in America Since
World War II
"GayToday stands at the cutting edge of communication with
the gay community of the next millennium."
---Edward Alwood, 1998, author of Straight News:
Gays, Lesbians and the News Media