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Randolfe Wicker Critiques GayToday Marriage Coverage

Gay Civil Rights Pioneer Expresses His Dissenting Views

Editor Jack Nichols Replies to Email from His Old Friend

Compiled by GayToday

Gay activist Randolfe H. Wicker Hoboken, New Jersey-Randolfe H. Wicker, the early 1960s media whiz kid of the gay and lesbian civil rights movement disapproves of GayToday's coverage of the marriage controversy. In an email to Jack Nichols, GayToday's editor, he writes:

" I must say that my own dissent and (Henry) Messer and (Carl) House's dissent are 'way down the list' in GayToday's coverage of gay marriage.

"Never thought I'd live to see the day that old hippie Jack (Nichols), the man who would change sex roles, revolutionize society, etc. etc. etc., would be joining the big gay 'marriage chorus' for 'togetherness forever', 'monogamy' (the basis for traditional marriage) and 'family'…

"Oh where is that rebel of yesterday year?? Where?? Where?? Does he long for those things denied him--a day in divorce court, the division of his property, custody fights over the kids, etc. ?

"Just think, no more worries about that 'palimony' stuff. Now, it would simply be old-fashioned 'alimony'!! Well, an effeminist (sic) militant should certainly approve of that…Frankly, I'm looking for that man waging the 'husband rights' crusade. What ever happened to him anyway?? He must have faded away like 'Big (sic) John' weekends and male liberationists, and man-hating feminists also."

Jack Nichols' reply to Randolfe Wicker follows:

Cocoa Beach, Florida--Dear Randy, Your recent human cloning crusades may have blinded you to the intricacies of current GLBT politics. GayToday did not choose to make an issue out of this marriage controversy. We've been forced into this struggle by a campaigning Bush who supports tampering with the United States Constitution in order to define marriage on his terms. We can't allow him to succeed.

My personal views about coupling must presently take a back seat to our movement's long-time demand for equality. Once that equality has been achieved, individuals will then be free to enter that bond we call marriage, or to remain free of such a bond. But first, we must have the right to choose.
GayToday Editor Jack Nichols

According to your own admission, you've never taken the time to read my 1975 book, Men's Liberation: A New Definition of Masculinity (Penguin Books). A chapter title about coupling in that book is subtitled "The Decline of Organized Marriage" and, no doubt, such a decline has accelerated in the last three decades with no help from gay men and lesbians. Only 56 percent of all adults are married, compared with 75 percent 30 years ago.

But Wanna-be Prez George W. Bush, U.S. Senator Bill Frist, U.S. Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, et al, are blithely calling same-sex marriages a threat to civilization. Do not fail to appreciate the gravity of this smear or you will once again find yourself, as you did in 1969 when you became "the numb-nut of Stonewall", failing to immediately grasp the significance of that rebellion.

I haven't abandoned my views about the limitations that surround marriage (Must Romance and Love End in Marriage?) http://gaytoday.com/garchive/viewpoint/041497vi.htm nor would I disparage your warnings about that institution (Gay Marriage is a Heterosexual Trap) http://gaytoday.com/garchive/viewpoint/042400vi.htm . But when George W. Bush attempts to deny our equality as citizens; when he defines same-sex love as a dire threat, I find myself comfortably opposing him. When the institution of marriage becomes legal for all citizens, I will once again happily publicize its drawbacks.
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