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Pat Buchanan writes: 'Yes Virginia, There is a Religious War!' 76 Co-Sponsors in United States Congress Include 6 Democrats
"Australian Prime Minister John Howard joined the effort to protect the man-woman bond this week, saying that the institution of traditional marriage is one of "the bedrock institutions of our society." "Furthermore, in Canada, where the courts are attempting to mandate homosexual marriage, a new poll of members of Parliament found considerable opposition, even among liberal members. "Here in America, Colorado Rep. Marilyn Musgrave's Federal Marriage Amendment is gaining support. As I write this column, the amendment has gained 76 co-sponsors, including six Democrats. "And tens of thousands of people have already signed my Petition of Support for the Federal Marriage Amendment ( http://www.onemanonewoman.com ). "My good friend Gary Bauer noted this week that, during the congressional recess, many members of Congress will be at home meeting with constituents and holding town hall meetings. I join him in encouraging individuals across this nation to (in Mr. Bauer's words), 'politely, but firmly confront your elected representatives about this crucial issue - and preferably at a public forum.' "I believe that many elected officials who support traditional marriage are somewhat fearful of publicly saying they support the Federal Marriage Amendment because they don't want to appear "intolerant" or "anti-gay" - catchphrases that the left frequently uses in their often hysterical and tedious war of words. "However, if these lawmakers understand that their constituencies largely support the Federal Marriage Amendment, they will have no choice but to sign on. "Pat Buchanan, in a column titled, Yes, Virginia, there is a religious war, this week wrote of the need for Americans to get involved in this critical war to protect the Judeo-Christian values of our Forefathers. If we continue to sit on our hands, traditional marriage will be lost and multiple denominations will ignore biblical teachings by embracing homosexual rights." Attacks on Openly-Gay Bishop
" 'Having failed to conform his life to scriptural command,' Pat continued, 'Robinson now demands that Scripture be reinterpreted to conform to his deviant life style. To see Robinson elevated to bishop is to be reminded that in the French Revolution, the Paris mob used the high altar at Notre Dame Cathedral to canonize the town tramp as their Goddess of Reason. " 'Now, with massive moral arrogance, Robinson protests that if the Episcopal faithful do not accept him as a consecrated bishop, they - not he - will have broken communion and be responsible for dividing the church.' " Falwell, who, only two years ago, publicly asserted that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were God's judgments on an immoral America, now writes: "This is the moral quagmire we find ourselves in today. The proponents of homosexual marriage, homosexual adoption and the church approval of homosexuality are involved in a campaign to recklessly redefine what is historically and biblically right and wrong. "Once this dark crusade for moral ambiguity gains enough steam, there is no stopping it. The ultimate end to this effort is comparable to a time defined in the Bible: "In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes" (Judges 17:6). "Rather than follow the laws of God, man became a law unto himself. Self-justification - even among those claiming to know God - became the law of the land. Mass corruption and unrest followed. "As that mentality accelerates in American classrooms, in many churches, in the mainstream media and in our government, our once Christian nation could quickly become a distant memory. "Pat Buchanan noted, 'Christianity, dying in Europe, is under siege in America. A paganism that holds homosexual unions to be 'sacramental' - the Rev. Robinson's term - is ascending.'" "The solution is a vast uprising of Christians in America, people of faith who will sacrificially work to preserve the sanctity of marriage and boldly take a stand for the Judeo-Christian standards that brought about this nation." |