% IssueDate = "09/17/02" IssueCategory = "Events" %>
Independent Candidate Critiques Jeb Bush & Timid Democrats Says McBride is McBush & Reno's Defeat was Jeb-Manipulated
"But once again, in our 2002 primary that's just passed," says Kunst, "Jeb has stolen the election this time on behalf of himself. It's a family trait, acquiring wealth stealthily. Remember when his wife was intercepted by customs when she failed to declare that pile of foreign-bought jewelry? What was Neal Bush and that $100 billion savings and loan disappearance all about?" Florida's corporate news media, insists Kunst, refuses to acknowledge his increasingly popular viewpoint in the current campaign, but he dismisses them, pointing to a statement made last week in Tennessee by former Vice-president Al Gore: "The FCC proposal to eliminate all of the restrictions on highly concentrated ownership of multiple news outlets is a dire threat to the survival of democracy in the United States of America." "I'm in daily touch with folks all over Florida," Kunst says with conviction, "and there's a fury that's loose among them about this latest voting booth swindle that's hard to match. Fool them once? Maybe. But not this time."
"So, I say, this time Janet's the victim of what she didn't have the insight to do to correct Jeb's theft of our Election 2000. If she fails to demand an investigation, she'll be victimizing everybody else-the voters-- in the process. I've confronted her publicly on 17 different campaign occasions, asking why she'd kept so silent in 2000." Bill McBride, who "far too quickly declared himself victor," says Kunst, "won the primary by a very slim margin and, Kunst says, "is a creation of Jeb Bush's own political strategy." "McBride's so-called margin of victory," notices Kunst, "just got skinnier today when some Miami-Dade votes, 2,500 for Janet, were found." Kunst says that McBride's law offices, Holland and Knight, contributed $50,000 to Jeb in the current election and that it was this "very same firm that negotiated Florida's voter-role purges of Election 2000 when approximately 57,000 Democratic voters were stealthily eliminated." Kunst pooh-poohs a Republican pundits' mantra explaining Stolen Election #2 by insisting that only two Democratic Florida counties, Miami-Dade and Broward, experienced voter-frauds on September 10. "There were voting irregularities in 14 different Florida counties," he claims, "maybe more…we'll see." In Gadsden County, Kunst insists, "an area wherein African Americans comprise 80% of the citizenry, McBride was the unlikely winner. The African-American community would have voted for Reno," he said, "and good ol' boy McBride just wouldn't have been a popular choice there, I certain." Last night, Kunst, addressing an audience of 100 in a Liberty City African-American church, found an enthusiastic welcoming of his "Stolen Elections" views. TV news commentators had earlier questioned Jeb Bush's TV advertising campaign in which he'd mysteriously given blatant name-recognition to the previously unknown Bill McBride. "It was because Jeb wanted McBride to win," Kunst insists. "He can't win in November and Jeb knows that he's a pushover. He can't even say "important" correctly. He says, "impordand." "And there's something else to keep in mind," Kunst warns his listeners, "What's to stop Jeb Bush from stealing Florida's votes for a third time on November 7? What can be done? Vote Kunst/ Miklowitz!" "The issue," believes Kunst, "is Jeb Bush's crooked voting set-up in Florida…the issue, and Jimmy Carter ought to come down here and have a look…the issue is Jeb Bush himself and his illegal tampering that has twice denied Floridians their sacred right to vote. Jeb's had two years and $32 million to fix the state's voting machines. Now I really don't trust those new machines either. Lets go back to paper ballots." |