By Rex Wockner
International News Report
 Pope John Paul II: Living saint or evil Nazi? |
Pope John Paul II is evil, says gay Irish Sen. David
And Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, head of the Vatican's
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, is "a
Nazi," the senator said.
The pope is "an instrument for evil as far as I'm
concerned because these constant, unremitting,
ignorant, ill-informed attacks on the gay community
have led to violence against the gay community,"
Norris is quoted as saying in author Stephen
Costello's new book ^The Irish Soul: In Dialogue.~ |
John Paul II's utterances are "calculated and
deliberate wickedness," Norris said. "He closes down
scholarly enquiry and, of course, behind him is
Ratzinger, who is, in his mind-set, a Nazi, and they
have marginalised all the wonderful people like Oscar
Romero, Leonardo Boff, Hans Kung, Charles Curran, all
these marvellous people who are the future and the
hope of the Church and, instead, put into place these
mindless bureaucrats, which is intensely sad.
"The awful thing about that Polish person and the Nazi
is that they are afraid to tell the truth," Norris
continued. "They won't even let themselves be in the
presence of the truth, because it would shatter their
very stylised view of things. You would have known
that Pope John XXIII believed in God. I really don't
think this one does."
Catholic doctrine, which is watched over and guarded
by Ratzinger, considers gay sex "intrinsically evil,"
"objectively disordered," "deviant," and "contrary to
the laws of nature."
Gay relationships are "a deplorable distortion of what
should be a communion of love and life between a man
and a woman in a reciprocal gift open to life."
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Roman Catholicism Causes AIDS Genocide
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Related Sites:
Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust
Pope/Nazi Political Cartoon
GayToday does not endorse related sites.
The church says any sexual act that is not open to the
possibility of pregnancy is a mortal sin which, if not
absolved in confession prior to one's death, condemns
one's soul to hell.
The procreation doctrine also categorizes birth control,
masturbation and oral sex (including between heterosexual
spouses) as mortal sins.