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Slain Dutch Politician Pim Fortuyn's Party Wins Big

By Rex Wockner
International News Report

Slain Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn The upstart political party of slain Dutch gay politician Pim Fortuyn grabbed 26 of the 150 seats in The Netherlands' Parliament May 15, coming in second place behind the conservative Christian Democrats, who won 43 seats.

In order to govern, the Christian Democrats will need to form a coalition that most likely would include the Pim Fortuyn's List party MPs. Eight other parties are represented in Parliament with from two to 23 seats each.

Fortuyn stood for reduced immigration (especially by Muslims whose beliefs he believed to be in conflict with Dutch society), a crackdown on crime, and attention to hospital waiting lists, train delays, education funding and other problems. Many media reports labeled him a right-winger but, in fact, he was not easily classified. He also could have been called a populist, a maverick, an independent or a libertarian.

Among Fortuyn's most controversial statements (which got him labeled a right-winger): "Islam is ... simply a backward culture. ... I would simply say, no more Muslims can come in! ... Holland is full."

Fortuyn was shot to death May 6, allegedly by an animal-rights activist who may have been upset at Fortuyn's support for raising animals, such as mink, for their fur. The suspect, Volkert van der Graaf, 32, has not made any statement.

"You either loved him or you hated him," Hans Verhoeven, editor of the Amsterdam publication Gay & Night, said the day after the murder.

"One of the things that was important, he was very openly gay. He talked on public radio about his visits to dark rooms [gay bar backrooms] and he told about the rent boys [hustlers] he employed at his home. He was very open and that was, strangely enough, accepted by the whole society and made him an example for gay people, not only about being out but about how to explore your gay life.

Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:
Dutch Politician Pim Fortunyn's Assassination

Dutch Gays Support Anti-Immigrant Politician

Dutch Roman Catholic Priests Support Gay Unions

Related Sites:
Pim Fortuyn

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"The general feeling here is one of disbelief. It is the first time since 1672 that we had a political assassination."

Meanwhile, the man who is likely to become the next prime minister, Christian Democrat Jan Peter Balkenende, recently told reporters that gay marriage and euthanasia will remain legal even though he opposed them in the past. He would, however, like to halt the sale of soft drugs, such as marijuana, in the nation's ubiquitous "coffeehouses," he said.

The Netherlands is the only nation where gay couples can marry under the exact same laws as heterosexuals. Foreign gays residing temporarily in The Netherlands are allowed to get married there as well.

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