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Candidate Bob Kunst's 350th
'Bush Stole the Election' Protest

By Jack Nichols

Bob Kunst, a candidate for the Florida Democratic gubernatorial nomination, protests the election of George W. Bush Orlando, Florida-Veteran Florida gay and AIDS activist Bob Kunst was on hand here to greet well-to-do Republicans attending yet a fourth fund-raiser featuring George W. Bush who was plugging his brother Jeb's re-election as Florida's governor. Kunst is running for that political post too and he's been, since his early registration as a candidate, on non-stop speaking tours throughout the state.

Friday, George W. entered through a side entrance to the fund-raiser, but all other traffic-- wealthy Bush supporters-found itself confronted by a sizable banner on the opposite corner, reading: "Bush Stole the Election!". This message, Kunst told GayToday, has, since Election 2000, been at the very core of his message to his fellow Floridians and he finds them particularly receptive to it.

In 1986 Kunst, as a one-man show spending only $5,000, received 150,000 Democratic votes in a U.S. Senate primary against former governor Bob Graham. Kunst's pioneering message had been "Cure AIDS Now." He succeeded in waking Floridians to a mysterious plague he aptly labeled "World War III."

Kunst's current campaign has proved a perpetual uphill battle, he says. Many of the state's Democratic political hacks have refused to let him share a platform with former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, in spite of his legitimacy as a candidate. Large crowds in rural Florida, however, have been buying thousands of his forthright campaign bumper stickers reading: No More Bushit, and have greeted his rousing speeches with enthusiasm.

He emphasizes how Ms. Reno's speaking style, "which can hardly rouse anybody," as well as her persistent and wide gap in polls that are overwhelmingly favorable to Jeb Bush, turns a vote for Ms. Reno into a vote for Jeb Bush. Kunst asks his supporters to use him to send a message, namely that they will not allow themselves to be hoodwinked by the sinister and sly Bush family machine.

To assist him in meeting the costs of his campaign, Kunst is launching a more modest fund-raising effort than that of his opponents. It is laced, nevertheless, with the same fervent passion that has marked his political activism over the past quarter century.

He says:

"If there is a moment so critical to act, it's now! Each and every one of you can make this difference. Go, and go into Paypal and donate as much as you can (up to $500), and don't depend on anyone else to make this decision for you.

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Related Sites:
Bob Kunst for Governor

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"Or write a check to: "Kunst For Governor Campaign", P.O.Box 402263, Miami Beach, Fla. 33140, and get me to your groups to speak, and to raise monies, including out of state.

"We will never have a better opportunity to change direction and the course of history in all of this.

"I pray that you understand what is at stake here. Protest through Kunst and your voice will be heard around the world, to the corrupt sell-out media, and every politician and to corporate America and every institution betraying us all with their arrogance of power and abuse. Stay silent or vote for Reno or McBride and Jeb and W. win and their politics are sustained, and it will only get worse.

"It's just this simple.

"This is not a liberal versus conservative issue, but one of right versus wrong.

"Do what's right here and win for us all."

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