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by Senate's Republican Leader
Under the initiative, new funds averaging an additional $2 billion per year would be phased in gradually to supplement the $1 billion per year the government now spends on AIDS; only $1 billion total would go to the Global Fund (Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report, 2/12). Frist's earlier version of the bill (HR 2069) -- a combination of two measures passed in July by the Senate -- would have authorized nearly $5 billion over two years in spending to help curb the HIV transmission worldwide. The first measure (S 2525) would have authorized about $4.5 billion in fiscal years 2003 and 2004 for the Global Fund. Sponsored by Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Frist and supported by former Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.), the bill also would have required the United States to develop a five-year plan to reduce worldwide AIDS and AIDS-related illnesses, including tuberculosis and malaria. The second measure (S 2649) included in the bill would have given the HHS secretary the authority to implement HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services in developing countries (Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report, 7/15/02). 'Significant Step Back' Bob Stevenson, a spokesperson for Frist, said that the senator is "trying to work with the White House," adding, "We have an unprecedented commitment from the White House to release this money." However, critics have called the changes a "significant step back," according to Newsday. Dr. Paul Zeitz, head of the Global AIDS Alliance, "express[ed] particular concern" about the lack of naming specific funding for the Global fund, Newsday reports. Sen. Russell Feingold (D-Wis.) said, "[T]he resulting product has to have ... a serious commitment to the global AIDS fund because that's how you leverage a lot of money from other sources." Some Democrats, including Kerry, have said they will work to include money for the Global Fund in the bill, according to Newsday.
This summary is from the Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report http://www.kaisernetwork.org/dailyreports/hiv provided by kaisernetwork.org), a free health policy news summary and webcasting service of The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. The Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report is published for kaisernetwork.org by National Journal Group Inc. © 2003 by National Journal Group Inc. and Kaiser Family Foundation. All rights reserved |