Trump responds to criticism of speaking at anti-LGBTI summit by speaking at another anti-LGBTI summit

Donald Trump last month became the first sitting President in modern history to address a anti-LGBTI summit.

The best way to respond to that criticism?

He’s decided to speak to another anti-LGBTI summit.

The Heritage Foundation, which lobbies against workplace discrimination laws and equal marriage, confirmed Trump would be speaking at the annual President’s Club meeting today (17 October).

The group said: ‘Heritage has been instrumental in providing the Trump administration with sound policy advice and experts who now serve in key government positions.

‘We are honored to have the President of the United States as our keynote speaker.”

The group cited a report that states: ‘No group is more responsible for helping to craft Trump’s agenda than the Heritage Foundation…Today the group’s fingerprints are on virtually every policy Trump advocates.’

Last month, Trump addressed the Family Research Council’s Values Voter Summit.

He heaped praise on Tony Perkins, calling the man who linked gay rights to the Holocaust as a ‘leader’.

‘Values voters have waited eight years for a leader who puts America’s mission first and respects the values that made America into a great nation,’ Family Research Council president Tony Perkins said in a statement.

At the event, attendees received a pamphlet calling homosexuality a ‘public health crisis’.

The Heritage Foundation is also a consistent aggressive opponent of LGBTI equality.

The group’s website says: ‘[Same-sex marriage] makes marriage primarily about adult desire, with marriage understood primarily as an intense emotional relationship between (or among) consenting adults. This revisionism comes with significant social costs.

‘Redefining marriage… will only lead to more broken homes, more broken hearts, and more intrusive government.’

They also push the First Amendment Defense Act, allowing religious people to discriminate based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

Trump recently signed the directive, effectively permitting homophobic, biphobic and transphobic discrimination.

The president is joined at the Heritage Foundation summit by former Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson, who said he wants to ‘rid the Earth’ of ‘wicked’ gays.

Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore will also be attending, who recently said he is not sure whether gays or lesbians should put to death.

Read more from Source: Trump responds to criticism of speaking at anti-LGBTI summit by speaking at another anti-LGBTI summit


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