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![]() Born Again? The reason these religionists are so upset is the simple fact that cloning proves that you do not have to embrace religion to be 'born again' - literally! Randolfe Wicker-Founder of the world's first pro-human cloning activist group-January 12 Religious Bias Circumvents Science It's not that "ex-gay" "experts" don't know that they are acting like enemies of mainstream science. They just refuse to change the prejudices upon which they've built their self-image. Robert N. Minor, PhD.-"Case Closed: Responding to Psychological Arguments Against Gay People"-a pamphlet available from The Fairness Project for $2-- www.fairnessproject.org ![]() To be afflicted this way is a great burden to a conscientious soul. But through the advice and help of doctors, through a strong and determined effort, and through prayer, a soul can overcome this handicap. Shoghi Effendi-from a letter about being homosexual written in the 1950s on behalf of the late 'infallible' Guardian of the Baha'i World Faith, a religion born in 19th century Iran which now claims five million members worldwide. How about India Ink in the Holy Water? There seems to be a clear thrust here towards making it more difficult, if not impossible for a homosexual to get into a seminary and ultimately to be ordained as a Catholic priest. John Allen--Vatican correspondent of the National Catholic Reporter-quoted by the BBC's religious affairs correspondent, Robert Pigott -"Vatican to reinforce Catholic orthodoxy"-January 10 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/2639413.stm ![]() One study by the University of California at Berkeley found condom distribution to be astonishingly cost-effective, costing just $3.50 per life saved. In contrast, antiretroviral therapy cost almost $1,050. Nicholas D. Kristof-"The Secret War on Condoms"-New York Times, January 10 Baptist Boneheads Southern Baptists are threatening to cancel a massive convention in Nashville, Tenn., if the City Council passes legislation giving more rights to homosexuals…The Southern Baptist Convention, a denomination of 16 million members headquartered in Nashville, opposes the homosexual rights measure, which has survived two readings and is set for a vote Jan. 21. Julia Duin-" Baptists apply pressure to gay rights proposal"-Washington Times, January 10 http://www.washtimes.com/national/20030111-2162777.htm
Wedding announcements track American social history…So it said something about how the world works today when newspapers began to run announcements of the commitment ceremonies of gay men and lesbians. Although about 10 percent of America's dailies now do so, The New York Times got the most mileage from the decision because of its position as the industry gold standard. From the beginning it was just as the opponents feared: The same-sex announcements read so much like the ones that surrounded them that they came close to simply blending in, the union of one well-educated documentary producer and psychotherapist reading much like another. Anna Quindlen-" Supreme Court Has Chance to Right Wrong Against Homosexuals"-- Universal Press Syndicate-- Salt Lake Tribune, January 11 Music Soothes, Books Burn The State Department recently announced that it is exporting an anthology of American writers, in the hopes that this will persuade Arabs that the American experience is more varied, and less evil, than the state-controlled Arab media say it is…Regardless of whether you buy into this kind of cultural marketing, it's clear that the State Department chose the wrong medium. American book publishers can tell you that American men between 18 and 30 don't read a lot of books. Lee Smith-"Listen Up: Can pop music make the Arab world love us?"-Slate, January 9 http://slate.msn.com/default.aspx?id=2076531 ![]() I am not a paedophile. I have never entered chat rooms on the Internet to converse with children. I have, to the contrary, been shocked, angry and vocal about the explosion of advertised paedophilic images on the Internet. Pete Townshend-guitarist-" The Who's Townshend admits viewing child porn"-Agence France-Presse, January 11 Before You Tie the Knot, Remember… Love is grand. Divorce is a hundred grand. Good Old Age-Famous Aphorisms, courtesy of Steve Yates and Gary Comingdeer |