<% IssueDate = "3/17/03" IssueCategory = "Quotes & Quips" %> GayToday.com - Quotes & Quips
Quotes & Quips

Not a Good Place to Get Laid

Why have such a thing as a gay fraternity? Chug-a-lugging? Fraternities are for fucking assholes, not for fucking assholes.

Bill Maher-"Real Times with Bill Maher"-HBO, March 14

Bush and Ashcroft are Liberty's Thieves

Since not for glory, riches or honor we fight but for liberty alone, which no good man loses but with his life.

Scotland's Declaration of Independence-addressed to the Pope, April 6, 1320

Bound by Suits and Ties

When you wear exactly the same clothing, then you become politically correct, sexually correct, religiously correct and, if I can say, fashionably correct. When you are politically correct, you don't see yourself, you conform. To be what everybody wants. And that's why fashion, to me, is not some superficial matter. Fashion has deep roots that shape the society.

Rael-quoted in by Ben Widdicombe in "Clothes Encounter"-Men's Fashions of the Times, March 9

Friendship Meant the Most to Him

John Edwards, who died last week aged 53, was Francis Bacon's closest friend for 18 years, and inherited the London artist's £11 million estate…There were those who considered it a curious friendship. Although both men were homosexuals, Edwards maintained that they were never lovers. Furthermore, Edwards had never learned to read or write, and knew nothing of art or books…None of this, however, appeared to matter to Bacon. "I think he felt very free with me, because I was a bit different from most people he knew," Edwards once said. "I wasn't asking him about his painting or anything like that . . . I asked him once, 'what do you see in me?' And he laughed and said, 'You're not boring like most people'."

The Age-Obituary--"Docker's son became Bacon's trusted friend"-Melbourne, Australia, March 15

A Message to Drug Company Profiteers

Why does no one have the courage to say loudly and unequivocally that 50 million people around the world are going to die in a matter of days or months or at the most a few years unless they are treated immediately with the life-saving drugs that are now available? I have arrived at this figure after conversations with many experts.

Larry Kramer-"The Plague We Can't Escape"-New York Times, March 16

Bush Opens Fire in His War on the Elderly

The Bush administration says it is planning major changes in the Medicare program that would make it more difficult for beneficiaries to appeal the denial of benefits like home health care and skilled nursing home care.

Robert Pear-"Bush Pushes Plan to Curb Appeals in Medicare Cases"-New York Times, March 16

Important Legal Notice:

Mrs. Cheney's husband wishes you to be aware (SEE LETTER AND STATEMENT) that some/all of the biographic information contained on this PARODY page about Mrs. Cheney may not actually be true. Indeed, it may all be lies propagated by the many people whom she rubbed the wrong way during her long and still-unfolding life as a controversial public figure. You know how political vipers gossip! Besides, how on earth is one to know whether an interesting tidbit arises from fact or from the seamy whispers of mendacious Chatty Cathys? That said, the editors of WHITEHOUSE.ORG are confident that any rumors about Mrs. Cheney formerly being a crystal meth pusher are 100% likely to be absolutely untrue. Similarly, any stories about her penchant for licking Brandy Alexanders off the hirsute belly of her spouse are all lies, lies, lies.

Buzzflash Interview-quoting www.WhiteHouse.Org in response to Vice President Cheney's legalese-style objection to satirical material published on the site about his wife. http://www.buzzflash.com/interviews/03/03/14_wh.html

Thanks to the Jewish-Christian-Islamic Traditions

Hundreds of Muslims in Dar es Salaam yesterday participated in a peaceful demonstration organised to protest the visit of gay tourists from the United States of America which has, however, been cancelled… Speaking at the end of the demonstration, Sheikh Mussa Kileo, attacked all those who engaged in homosexuality and said their fair judgment according to sharia, was the death sentence.

Bilal Abdul_Aziz and Mwanaidi Swedi-"Hundreds Protest Cancelled Visit of Gay Tourists"-The Guardian, March 15

Move Over, AIDS, Here Comes SARS

As a mysterious respiratory illness spread to more countries, the World Health Organization yesterday issued a rare health alert declaring the ailment "a worldwide health threat" and urging all countries to help in seeking its cause and control…The agency said that in the last week it had received reports of more than 150 new suspected cases of the illness, now known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS.

Lawrence K. Altman with Keith Bradsher-"Rare Health Alert is Issued by W.H.O. for Mystery Illness"-New York Times, March 16

Reformist Jewish Student Becomes a Reluctant Lightning Rod

The reform movement's rabbinical seminary has accepted a transgendered person, paving the way for what is believed would be the first ordination of a rabbi to have switched genders…The Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati confirmed this week that it accepted a male rabbinical school applicant who used to be a woman…The prospective rabbi, Reuben Zellman, 24, of Oakland, Calif., who considers himself "transgender and queer" said he is not attempting to spark religious debates nor become a political lightning rod.

Joe Berkofsky-"Reform movement accepts transgendered rabbinical student"-JTA.Org , March 11