<% IssueDate = "3/31/03" IssueCategory = "Quotes & Quips" %> GayToday.com - Quotes & Quips
Quotes & Quips

Mariah Carey's Scantily Clad Male Dancers

Could power pop princess Mariah Carey be chasing the pink dollar? Fans who witnessed her performance at London's GAY nightclub last week believe this to be the case as Carey writhed with scantily-clad male dancers in a style reminiscent of our own Kylie, whose gay following is legendary.

Rachel Browne-"World Party"-- The Sunday Sun-Herald newspaper, Sydney, Australia, March 30

No More Smoking in Manhattan? The Human Toll

I can't tell you how many dates with cute guys I've gotten by looking into his eyes while he lights me up

Cynthia Candiotti -- a Manhattan smoker quoted by BBC News, March 30

A Bible-Thumping Warrior in the White House

The nation's executive mansion is currently honeycombed with prayer groups and Bible study cells, like a whited monastery. A sly dig there is "Missed you at Bible study," as David Frum reported in The Right Man with a "twitch", since Bible study was, if not compulsory, not quite un-compulsory, either." when he was in Bush's White House. Friends going to intimate dinners with the Bushes should be prepared to lead the prayer said before the meal.

Garry Wills-"With God on His Side"-New York Times Magazine, March 30

A Clever Queen by Royal Appointment

The death of Sir Hardy Amies at the age of 93 has robbed fashion of one of its more exuberant snobs. He was, for nearly half a century, the official dressmaker to the Queen, responsible for her trademark sensible, timeless and exquisitely tailored clothes. Something of a dandy himself, Sir Hardy had a novel way with words. He said of one rival, the late Sir Norman Hartnell: "It's quite simple. He was a silly old queen and I'm a clever old queen." In 1990 he said of his decision to give up supervising the Queen's fittings: "When I was 80 I said to my studio that an octogenarian can't go crawling around the Queen's tits, for God's sake."

Obituary--The Guardian Weekly, March 13-19, 2003]

Who Needs Veterans' Benefits?

Bush is making sure they have Bibles. If they have Bibles, what else could they possibly need?

Mrs. Judy O'Christian-of www.LandoverBaptist.org in an email to GayToday, March 29

How Bush Supports the Troops

The Department of Veterans Affairs is the daily, concrete realization of that phrase on so many lips these days: "Support our troops." Why then is President Bush getting ready to raid the department's budget by the billions of dollars?…The department of Veteran's Affairs' $50.6 billion annual budget would lose $15 billion over ten years, with disability compensation, education benefits, pensions and health care taking hits.

Editorial-"Dissing our troops: Bush budget breaks promise to veterans"-Daytona Beach News-Journal, March 27

Prostitution and Marriage

Prostitution is more exciting, more honest and very much cheaper than marriage.

Al Goldstein-Publisher of SCREW magazine

Who's the Wife?

For partnerships to prosper, someone must seize control of the home and pour the tea, writes Anne Manne…Some gay families have housewives! Or if not housewives, at least a neo-traditional division of labour, where one partner adopts a flexible, supportive role, working less and tending the home fires more…This disconcerting finding, that the "vast majority" of gay families "exhibited an unequal division of labour" was reported in a paper at the Institute of Applied Economic And Social Research's recent conference…Many prominent gay partnerships do have something resembling a wifely role supporting The Famous One.

The Age --"Couples and the tyranny of time"- Australia-March 29 http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/03/28/1048653852532.html

Is Columnist Cal Thomas Fighting Inner Demons?

Cal, dear, my gaydar--whenever I've seen you--buzzes bigtime. I suspect you're fighting inner demons and that's why you've always come down so hard on real people brave enough to embrace the loving dreams you've dared not face. Your column about the Supreme Court sodomy decision betrays an acute hysteria, possibly, I suspect, because you can see that your closeted stance is losing ground and that your irrelevancy will eventually become apparent.

Jack Nichols-in an email to syndicated conservative and pious pundit, Cal Thomas, March 28

Two Pricks are Sticking it to the Kids

If men forcibly insert their pricks into children, the world (quite rightly) is asked to condemn them…If men do this with pointy bits of metal the world is asked to call them great statesmen…In the case of Blair and Bush, they pay people to wield the bayonets, bullets and bombs on their behalf. But what's the difference?…Iraq is a nation of children. Nearly half the population is under 16.

John Hein-" Blessed are the peacemongers"-Editorial-ScotsGay- www.scotsgay.co.uk