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Will George W. Bush Allow His Little Waxed Angels to Attend? ![]() When Washington-area beautician Erwin Gomez and his longtime partner James Packard celebrate their marital vows with 400 of their closest friends next month, two of Gomez's best customers will probably be in attendance: President Bush's twin daughters, Jenna and Barbara…Yesterday, the 39-year-old Gomez - a makeup expert for the Elizabeth Arden shop in the D.C. suburb of Chevy Chase, Md. - told Lowdown that the First Twins have become devotees of his popular eyebrow waxes over the past few weeks. Lloyd Grove--"Bush Gals to See Gay Vows"--New York Daily News, August 18 Landover Baptists Bemoan Buggery at the Olympics The people who invented buggery - the Greeks -- started the Olympics. All the Greek homos used to oil up their bodies and prance around naked. Yes, friends, the entire original Olympics were shamelessly done in birthday suits. And one look at the diving competition reveals that little has changed. Studies from the Family Research Council prove that, in the Greek tradition, the modern Olympics has been co-opted by homos and lesbos wearing next to nothing. "Every sport involves either women who look like truck drivers sweating with no shame or light-in-the-running-shoes men who grope each other in unconscionable ways," observed Pastor Deacon Fred. "We will not be parties to the devil's business and supporting this twice-a-decade sex binge would make us accomplices to Lucifer's work." LandoverBaptist.org-"True Christians Boycott the 2000 Olympics"--August ![]() A Christian? Mr. Goldstein is miserable unless he is in the spotlight. "Today I went to my doctor to have my diabetes checked," he said. "I walked past the town house I used to live in on West 61st Street, and I kept thinking: 'That's who I was. I was a somebody with a chauffeur, a limo, a town house. Now I sleep on a floor.' " He sat surrounded by what he called his few remaining possessions: a bunch of DVD's and CD's and several boxes of cigars…A large silver cross around his neck gleamed against his chest hair. He has been wearing it for a few months. "I feel doomed as a Jew," he said. "I'll try anything else." Andy Newman-"68 and Sleeping on Floor, Ex-Publisher Seeks Work"-New York Times, August 12 Causing the Collapse of Civilizations? Homosexuality had no part in the rise and fall of cultures and cultural institutions such as the family. Claims to the contrary reflect prejudice, inaccurate history, and simplistic, but often repeated errors. No one element of a civilization could have such a major effect on the whole. Economic and political pressures are more accurate factors in explaining cultural change. Robert N. Minor, Ph.D.-Homophobia: A Diagnosis and Cure, The Fairness Project Series http://www.fairnessproject.org/ A Republican Politician Speaks Truth and Retires
![]() U.S. Representative Doug Bereuter-in a letter to his constituents prior to his retirement from the Congress-"Bereuter: War in Iraq Not Justified" by Don Walton in the Lincoln Journal Star, August 18 No Sex, Please, We're Republicans Look at all the right-wing sexual rigidity and born-again religious screeching and hateful conservative homophobia spewing around the country right now. Can't you just smell it? …Yes, it's the rank scent of raw misogyny and nipple-riffic horror and antichoice wailings, of all those illegal dildos in Texas and illegally married gays in San Francisco and the odor of a rabid fundamentalist antiporn crusader attorney general who doesn't smoke or drink or dance, one who covers up the terrifying breasts of awful statues and who apparently believes sexual relations should consist of two minutes with a barbed lash and a fistful of Vicodin. In the dark. While praying. Mark Morford-"No Sex, Please, We're Republicans"-SFGate.com-August 13 Macho Politics: Cheney the Coward, Kerry the Sensitive
U.S. Senator Tom Harkin-Responding to Dick Cheney's out-of-context ridiculing of the word "sensitive" to describe how Sen. John Kerry said he would conduct war.-August 16 The Know-Nothing Presidency I think what's important for you to know is that I feel I know what to do. I really do. I may not be able to tell you exactly the nuance of the East Timorian situation, but I'll ask Condi Rice or I'll ask Paul Wolfowitz or I'll ask Dick Cheney. I'll ask the people who've had experience. George W. Bush-June 15, 1999-quoted on the back cover of Bushworld: Enter at Your Own Risk by Maureen Dowd, published by G.P. Putnam's Sons, 2004
A lot of the sentimentality of the modern Olympics - the relentless emphasis on human-interest drama, the uncomfortable efforts to maintain the thin pretense that politics are absent, the ceaseless rhetoric of pure athleticism, even after the all-amateur rules were abandoned - looks, if anything, like the uncomfortable byproduct of our compensatory desire to graft Judeo-Christian values onto the irreducible, very ancient and very ugly business of competitiveness…Death was the origin of the ancient athletic contests, and the all or nothing logic of death hovered over the ancient Games, where there were no illusions about what victory meant, or could often cost. Daniel Mendelsohn-"What Olympic Ideal?"-New York Times Magazine, August 8 25 State Activist Groups Create a Federation The nation's top lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) statewide leaders, representing over 25 organizations from across the country, met this past weekend in Austin, Texas to launch an aggressive new action plan to boost statewide organizing efforts across the country. The newly renamed Equality Federation - formerly known as the Federation of Statewide Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Advocacy Organizations - will hire an executive director and begin implementing programs that build the capacity of its member organizations. Press Release-" National State Gay Leaders Unveil New Name, New Growth, New Leadership" Triangle Foundation (Michigan)-August 18 |