![]() Trent Lott's Dream I have a dream wherein I'm not judged by the content of my character but by the quantity of my apologies. Mike Luckovich-cartoonist showing Trent Lott attempting to imitate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. -- CNN, December 15 None is Free Until All are Free A bitter battle among Manhattan politicians and gay activists is threatening to scuttle the landmark gay-rights bill scheduled to come to a vote in the State Senate on Dec. 17�On one side are two Manhattan State Senators - Democrats Tom Duane and David Paterson, who won't commit their support for the bill unless "transgendered individuals" are included. On the other side are the big mainstream gay groups, like the Empire State Pride Agenda, who are worried that the Senators are endangering the entire bill. Greg Sargent-" Gay Factions May Sink Bill On Sex Rights"-- New York Observer, December 16 ![]() When Robert Kennedy ran for President, we supported him. We're proud of it. And if he had lived and been elected, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years. Former President Bill Clinton-at the 25th Anniversary Celebration Dinner for the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial, December 12 The Vatican Incites Hate The Episcopal bishops of Massachusetts, in a rare public challenge to the Catholic Church, are warning that a steady stream of comments by Vatican officials critical of gays in the priesthood could lead to hate crimes in the United States. Michael Paulson-"Gay comments concern bishops--Vatican's remarks are feared to incite hate crimes in U.S."-- Boston Globe, December 10 War Plans for Iraq are About Oil, Oil Oil One of the key differences is that the military now are clearly against this, which was not the case with Vietnam. The military hated the way Lyndon Johnson conducted the war but they wanted to get into it. This military clearly does not want the war so they're leaking. The reasons Bush has given are ridiculous - democracy, give me a break. Daniel Ellsberg--"It's time to take Risks' The Guardian (UK), December 10 Bushit Orders: Taxpayers Must Support the Churches Bush is on a crusade to bring about an unprecedented merger of religion and government. We will explore every opportunity to challenge this in the courts. Under this scheme, taxpayers will be forced to support churches they don't believe in, and workers will be denied publicly funded jobs because they don't conform to religious mandates. Rev. Barry W. Lynn-- Executive Director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, December 12
A state senator who represents a portion of St. Tammany Parish was arrested and booked with lewd behavior during a raid at an adult video and bookstore on Chef Menteur Highway on Tuesday afternoon, the New Orleans Police Department said�Sen. Jerry Thomas, 49, R-Franklinton, was arrested about 2:30 p.m. at A&N Kola Video Inc., 6420 Chef Menteur Highway, police said�A police source said he was engaged in sexual activity with another man. Tara Young-"Senator arrested in raid on store"-- Times-Picayune, New Orleans, December 11 See Senator Thomas' voting record at http://www.actwin.com/eatonohio/gay/louisianas.html White House Occupant on Drunk Driving? You know, they say that drunk and drugged driving threatens the safety of millions of Americans. But really, is it so bad? Is having a few in you while you're driving any worse than talking on your cell phone, fiddling with the radio, or gettin' a toothy hummer from your jewelry-hungry, ex-teacher wife? If you ask me, I'd much rather have my chauffeur lit up with a whisky or two than have him be forced to listen to one of those whiny Democrat bitches from M.A.D.D. yammering on and on and on about how her stupid baby got smooshka'ed by some poor guy who just made an innocent little mistake. George W. Bush- quoted at www.whitehouse.org
Pim Fortuyn, the Dutch hard-right nut who was assassinated earlier this year, used to boast that his anti-Muslim policies were not racist: "How can I be against north Africans? I have slept with so many of them." Johann Hari-" Sleeping with the enemy"-- The Guardian, December 13 http://www.guardian.co.uk/g2/story/0,3604,859056,00.html Original Sin Anyone growing up in our culture receives widespread and general religious abuse. The most pervasive form of American religion is that of tele-evangelists, right-wing ministers, and conservative religious authorities who confront people with threats, humiliation, negative and demeaning self-valuation, subordination to others, denial of our own insights, and a variety of tactics meant to protect religious institutions. Even people who did not identify with the religious position grow up with such abuse in our culture because it is constant, widespread, dominant and multi-dimensioned. Robert N. Minor, Ph.D.-"When You're Having a Religious Argument"-Dr. Minor is professor of Religious Studies at the University of Kansas. The pamphlet in which this quotation appears can be ordered for $2. www.fairnessproject.org |