<% IssueDate = "10/07/03" IssueCategory = "World" %> GayToday.com - World
Bush Backs Fanatics: Proclaims 'Marriage Protection Week'

Compiled by GayToday

Washington, D.C.-- Sharp criticisms of George W. Bush were expressed yesterday by a variety of organizations that have been outraged by his presidential proclamation declaring October 12-18 "Marriage Protection Week."

Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Terry McAuliffe stated:
A promotional flyer for Marriage Protection Week

"On October 3, 2003, President Bush, facing the reality that increasingly fewer Americans think he should be re-elected, and at the direction of ultra-conservative organizations, declared the week of October 12-18 `Marriage Protection Week.'

"In a desperate move to attract the right-wing base of his party, Bush has again aligned himself with the Rev. Jerry Falwell and right-wing organizations such as the Concerned Women for America and the Family Research Council. These groups, who have formed 'The Coalition to Protect Marriage,' last week declared that with Bush's support they would begin lobbying all members of Congress for the passage of the anti-gay 'Federal Marriage Amendment.'

"The Democratic National Committee has already declared its opposition to this amendment, which legal experts from both ends of the political spectrum have acknowledged would be used to repeal hundreds of laws enacted by state legislatures to provide basic benefits and rights to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) Americans.

"According to a recent ABC News Poll, only 20% of Americans favor this anti-gay amendment. Even Vice President Dick Cheney, former conservative Representative Bob Barr (R-Georgia), and former Republican Senator Alan Simpson (Wyoming) believe that the issue of civil marriage equality is one for the states.

"The President's position and the Republican National Committee's plan to place in its official party platform the language of this anti-gay amendment shows that the Republican party is again moving further outside of the mainstream. We can only assume given the President's support for this divisive measure and his otherwise poor record on GLBT issues, that he and his Party are indeed uninterested in demonstrating compassion toward GLBT Americans."

Elizabeth Birch, Human Rights Campaign Executive Director, said: "

"It is reprehensible for a president who claims to be compassionate to pander to a coalition of extremist groups by joining their assault on gay families…The American people want to see politicians in Washington concentrating on the real threats to our families - an unstable economy, high unemployment rates and uncertainty in Iraq - not guaranteeing that same-sex couples are left without more than 1,000 rights, responsibilities and protections under federal law…By issuing this proclamation, the president has added the prestige and credibility of his office to these groups' attacks."

In his presidential proclamation, Bush stated:
HRC Executive Director Elizabeth Birch: "The American people want to see politicians in Washington concentrating on the real threats to our families"

"Marriage Protection Week provides an opportunity to focus our efforts on preserving the sanctity of marriage and on building strong and healthy marriages in America. ... We must support the institution of marriage and help parents build stronger families. And we must continue our work to create a compassionate, welcoming society, where all people are treated with dignity and respect."

NGLTF Executive Director Matt Foreman: "(Marriage Protection Week) has noting to do with 'building strong and healthy marriages in America' " Matt Foreman, Executive Director National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, responded:

"Contrary to his statement, this 'week' has nothing to do with 'building strong and healthy marriages in America.' Rather, it is a bald campaign to demonize and defame gay people and our families, a shameful mixing of religion and politics. This attack is about even more than denying our families equal civil rights and responsibilities that are associated with marriage, but also seeks to deny any legal recognition whatsoever to our families."

The right-wing Family Research Council's Executive Director Tony Perkins, welcoming the Bush proclamation, warned that the American people are facing what he calls "the Black Plague."

Perkins said:

"From the Pledge of Allegiance to the Ten Commandments to the Do-Not-Call campaign -- and now to the very institution of marriage -- un-elected judges in black robes are not only ruling against the wishes of the American people, they are overturning laws passed by the elected representatives of those people."

Focus on the Family's Executive Director James Dobson says that by extending civil marriage licenses to same-sex couples:

"What you're doing is undermining the whole legal definition, the underpinnings of the institution of the family, and when that goes, everything goes with it, including the stability of the country ... and the future of Western civilization."
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Related Sites
Marriage Protection Week

White House: Marriage Protection Week Proclamation

Human Rights Campaign

National Gay & Lesbian Task Force