School district bans kids from singing Dolly Parton & Miley Cyrus song because it mentions rainbows

Miley Cyrus and Dolly Parton
Photo: YouTube screenshot

A class of Waukesha, Wisconsin first graders was banned from singing songs about rainbows at their spring concert, and parents say it’s because rainbows are associated with LGBTQ+ people.

The Heyer Elementary school class was slated to perform Miley Cyrus and Dolly Paron’s 2017 collaboration, “Rainbowland,” a song that imagines a world where everyone is accepted for who they are. But the school said no.

The teacher, Melissa Tempel, tweeted on Tuesday that her students were “so excited” to sing the song, but that it was “vetoed by our administration” with “no reason given.”

“When will it end?” Tempel asked, also including a screenshot of

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