This TikTok about the skeletons of trans people is quickly going viral & OMG it’s obvious why

Sasha Allen’s TikTok video is going viral

In 2021, Sasha Allen and his father, Jim, took America by storm when they appeared on The Voice. Now Allen is going viral on TikTok with a song about… the skeletons of transgender people.

In a reply video to another user who spouted off that “when they dig up your bones in a thousand years, they’re going to know you were biologically female,” Allen wrote a spirited and pointed song refuting the transphobia that has users cheering at the end.

The men’s coach, LGBTQ ally Ariana Grande, formed a tight bond with Sasha, and the two had a lovefest…

Read full story, and more, from Source: This TikTok about the skeletons of trans people is quickly going viral & OMG it’s obvious why


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