U.S. drops to “C” grade on global LGBTQ+ rights scorecard

Stonewall Inn, a gay bar on Christopher Street in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village. A 1969 police raid here led to the Stonewall riots, one of the most important events in the history of LGBT rights (and the history of the United States). This picture was taken on pride weekend in 2016, the day after President Obama announced the Stonewall National Monument, and less than two weeks after the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

The United States has scored a middling “C-level” rating in lesbian, gay, and bisexual human rights in a study of queer rights across the globe from 2011 to 2020. The 2020 “C” score for the U.S. represents a decline from its higher “B” score in 2016, ranking the U.S. 31 out of 204 world countries overall. The U.S. has also scored a consistent “F” on trans rights throughout the study’s span.

These scores come from the Franklin & Marshall Global Barometers Report, an annual study that measures LGBTQ+ rights in 204 world territories and countries on five different dimensions: anti-LGBTQ+ laws, political and cultural practices, LGBTQ+ rights advocacy, anti-discrimination protections, and violent persecution. The final scores rely on reporting from governmental and non-governmental organizations, media coverage as well as surveys from over 167,000 LGBTQ+ people worldwide.

The report scored each country’s LGB and T rights, separately, with one of five scores: A for “protecting” queer rights, B for…

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