Samuel Alito sees himself as an enforcer of morality, not a mere judge of the law

When documentarian Lauren Windsor released her surreptitiously recorded conversation with Samuel Alito and his wife, Martha-Ann, at a dinner reception last week, lots of the attention was on Martha-Ann’s comments. After all, it’s not often that you get to hear a Supreme Court justice’s wife vitriolic rant about her neighbors’ Pride flags and her fantasy to design her own flag with “Shame” emblazoned on it in Italian.

Following the controversy about the flags flying on the Alito’s properties broadly hinting at their sympathy for far-right causes, Martha-Ann’s comments were bound to attract the bulk of attention. But lost in the focus on flags were her husband’s comments, which were far more chilling, especially since he’s in a position of power.

Windsor attended a dinner reception hosted by the Supreme Court Historical Society, which has become a kind of go-to place for right-wingers wanting to rub elbows with justices. For a mere $500, which Windsor paid, the justices and guests mingle in an atmosphere of convivial conservativism. It’s no wonder that the Alitos spoke with such candor, as they believed themselves to be among like-minded believers.

In his comments to Windsor, Justice Alito displayed…

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