President Joe Biden’s LGBTQ+ legacy: 45 defining moves he made for equality

In a few short months, President Joe Biden’s time in the White House will be reaching its end. President Biden inherited a pandemic, the subsequent economic consequences, and a prior administration that had rolled back the rights of the LGBTQ+ community.

Despite the rocky circumstances, some major progress to advance LGBTQ+ rights was made under Biden, even in the face of rising homophobia and transphobia. From his first day in office, when President Biden signed an executive order to implement the Bostock decision that mandated that executive agencies interpret federal civil rights legislation as banning discrimination against LGBTQ+ people in many areas of the law, he showed a commitment to bettering the lives of LGBTQ+ Americans.

The Biden administration went right to work not only trying to undo the damage that Donald Trump had caused, but also increased protections and rights for LGBTQ+ Americans. Biden’s advocacy for the LGBTQ+ community took a variety of forms: appointing a record number of out politicians to roles in his administration, consistently honoring LGBTQ+ awareness days, and making policy decisions that promoted equality for queer people.

Here is a comprehensive timeline of the actions…

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