Bullies made “straight pride” posters with a gay student’s face as he endured years of bullying

A gay child and his mother have been allowed to continue to sue the Prince William County School Board in Virginia, with accusations that the school did nothing to stop the young boy from being brutally bullied due to his sexuality.

The complaint, which was filed by the plaintiff’s mother in June 2023, says that her son experienced “regular and relentless anti-LGBTQ+ bullying” when he attended middle school at Ronald Reagan Middle School in Haymarket.

The defendants in the case are the Prince William County School Board as well as Christopher Beemer and Jenita Boatwright, the principal and assistant principal, respectively, of Ronald Reagan Middle School, along with the school board. Boatwright has left the school board, but Beemer is still in his position as principal.

The plaintiffs, who have not been identified, say that the Prince William County School Board, Beemer, and Boatwright, responded to them asking for help from school leadership with the bullying “with victim blaming and inaction.”

The plaintiff started school out as gay, which was known by both students and staff, in August 2019. In September 2019, the bullying began. The first incident involved several students…

Read full story, and more, from Source: Bullies made “straight pride” posters with a gay student’s face as he endured years of bullying


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