Rightwingers lose their minds over “sick” Disney’s “Agatha All Along”: It’s a gay recruiting video!

One commentator claimed that Disney is “targeting the kids” to turn them gay with the series.

Agatha All Along
Photo: Marvel Studios

The Right Squad, a collection of far-right homophobes on the Republican propaganda organ Newsmax, all agree that the new gay-friendly Disney+ series Agatha All Along from Disney’s Marvel Studios is a threat to children.

“It’s a recruiting video,” claimed host Chris Plante.

The stars of the hit Disney+ series are “flaunting and flailing with joy that the show is the gayest Marvel series ever,” Plante offered, thrilled “that the Marvel Universe isn’t just for straight men anymore.”

It’s evidence the show’s creators, and by extension Disney, are “targeting the kids.”

“We’ve seen it in the schools and the books and the libraries and the genderqueer and the graphic novels,” Plante said of an alleged LGBTQ+ cabal preying on kids, “and it’s always the children.”

Panelist Jason Nichols said he didn’t need to see gay people on screen to know they exist. In fact, he said he…

Read full story, and more, from Source: Rightwingers lose their minds over “sick” Disney’s “Agatha All Along”: It’s a gay recruiting video!


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