Donald Trump says schools are now almost exclusively teaching kids how to be transgender

Donald Trump speaking at CPAC
Photo: Gage Skidmore – Wikimedia Commons

Donald Trump is now claiming that kids in schools are only learning about how to be transgender instead of “reading writing, arithmetic,” which is not true at all.

He made the comments during an interview with Fox Nation’s Kellyanne Conway where she asked about his plans to disband the Department of Education, which would be devastating for the funding of high-needs schools in the U.S.

Conway said that the left is only against this plan because “they want these kids to be in failing schools.”

“We’re the party for common sense,” Trump started saying, cutting off Conway as she tried to pose a question. “The left is against almost anything that’s good.”

“We’re going to move education back to the states where they can…

Read full story, and more, from Source: Donald Trump says schools are now almost exclusively teaching kids how to be transgender


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