Badpuppy Gay Today

Monday, 28 July, 1997


A Campaign in Which Film Fans Can Help

By PopcornQ


Motion pictures are a vital part of our lesbian, gay, bi and transgender cultural heritage and this year PopcornQ ( is spearheading a grassroots campaign to get that heritage preserved. It's really easy to participate, just copy and paste the letter below into a new e-mail, sign your name and send it off to (

Throughout the summer PopcornQ will be asking all of our colleagues and friends (filmmakers, film fans, distributors, journalists, actors, programmers, technicians, etc.) to make our voices heard at the Library of Congress by submitting lesbian, gay, bi, and transgender film recommendations to the US National Film Registry. Each year (after reviewing public suggestions and consulting extensively with film experts and the 40 members and alternates of the National Film Preservation Board) the Library of Congress selects 25 films deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant" for inclusion in the National Film Registry. To be eligible, films must be at least 10 years old; individuals can submit up to 50 suggestions each year.

The PopcornQ National Film Registry Campaign is championing 50 films in 1997 (please see the sample letter below for a complete list of titles) in an effort to:

1) Get more lesbian, gay, bi, and transgender films included in the National Film Registry.

2) Raise consciousness within the queer community about the importance of film preservation in safeguarding our cultural heritage.

Information about the campaign is available on the new PopcornQ "Film Preservation & You" web page (along with introductory information about film preservation, a pre-formatted e-mailable letter to the Library of Congreess, as well as a helpful compilation of links to film preservation websites).

Participants are also being encouraged to add their own lists of titles, and to think of those old, U.S.-made films that helped them come out, inspired them to action, affirmed their identity, or empowered them as gay, lesbian, bi, or transgender people. Maybe it was WORD IS OUT (1978) or THE TIMES OF HARVEY MILK (1984). Perhaps it was DESERT HEARTS (1986) or PARTING GLANCES (1986). Or maybe a short film favorite like SCORPIO RISING (1965) or DAMNED IF YOU DON'T (1987).

The only "gay" films included in the Registry right now are:




(Okay, they also have THE WIZARD OF OZ)

You can see a complete list of current Registry titles at (

To learn more about the National Film Preservation Board check out their website at





National Film Registry

Library of Congress, MBRS Division

Washington, D.C. 20540

Attn: Steve Leggett

Dear Steve Leggett,

I'm writing to you today to ask for your help in preserving the many gay, lesbian, bi, and transgender film images that are a part of our American motion picture heritage. I hope you will keep in mind the historical importance and social significance of the films I have suggested below when you are selecting films for this year's National Film Registry.

In solidarity with other historically under-represented groups I would also like to voice my support for the diversification of the National Film Registry to include more film images of all under-represented groups, as well as more films by women directors.

50 Gay, Lesbian, Bi, and Transgender Motion Picture Suggestions for the National Film Registry at the Library of Congress:

Algie the Miner (1912) Alice Guy-Blache

A Florida Enchantment (1913) Sidney Drew

Lillian's Dilemma (1913) Vitagraph

The Female Impersonator (1916) Charles Chaplin

Salome (1922) Charles Bryant

Lot in Sodom (1933) James Watson and Melvillie Webber

Queen Christina (1933) Rouben Mamoulian

Sylvia Scarlett (1936) George Cukor

Boy! What a Girl! (1945) Arthur Leonard

Fireworks (1947) Kenneth Anger

Glen or Glenda (I Changed My Sex) (1953) Ed Wood, Jr.

The Pleasure Garden (1953) James Broughton

The Children's Hour (1962) William Wyler

Advise and Consent (1962) Otto Preminger

Flaming Creatures (1963) Jack Smith

Scorpio Rising (1963) Kenneth Anger

My Hustler (1965) Andy Warhol

Chelsea Girls (1966) Andy Warhol

Portrait of Jason (1967) Shirley Clarke

The Queen (1968) Frank Simon

Boys in the Band (1970) William Friedkin

Robert Having His Nipple Pierced (1970) Sandy Daley

Holding (1971) Constance Beeson

Pink Narcissus (1971) Jim Bidgood

Tricia's Wedding (1971) Steven Arnold

Pink Flamingos (1972) John Waters

A Very Natural Thing (1973) Christopher Larkin

Dyketactics (1974) Barbara Hammer

A Comedy in Six Unnatural Acts (1975) Jan Oxenberg

Thundercrack (1975) Curt McDowell

Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) Jim Sharman

Gay USA (1977) Arthur Bressan

In the Best Interests of the Children (1977) Iris Films

Word Is Out (1977) Mariposa Film Group

Susana (1980) Susan Munoz

Greetings from Washington, DC (1981) Lucy Winer

If She Grows Up Gay (1982) Karen Sloe Goodman

Gently Down the Stream (1983) Su Friedrich

Choosing Children (1984) Debra Chasnoff and Kim Klausner

The Times of Harvey Milk (1984) Rob Epstein

Before Stonewall (1985) Greta Schiller and Andrea Weiss

Buddies (1985) Arthur Bressan

Mala Noche (1985) Gus Van Sant

Silent Pioneers (1985) Lucy Winer

Desert Hearts (1986) Donna Deitch

Living with AIDS (1986) Tina DiFeliciantonio

Parting Glances (1986) Bill Sherwood

Damned If You Don't (1987) Su Friedrich

She Must Be Seeing Things (1987) Sheila McLaughlin

Storme: Lady of the Jewel Box (1987) Michelle Parkerson

Thanks for your support in preserving our lesbian, gay, bi, and transgender moving image heritage.


[Your name here]



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