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Cardinal Winning's Lecture is Disrupted by Protestors

Outrage! Says 'Stop Crucifying Queers' & 'Apologize'

Peter Tatchell Seizes Microphone to Scold Churchman s

Compiled by GayToday

London, England--Gay campaigners protesting against Section 28 interrupted a lecture by Cardinal Winning in Croydon, south London, on Tuesday, March 7.

The brief peaceful protest took place in St. Mary's Catholic Church Hall, where the Cardinal was giving the 12th annual Cobb Memorial Lecture, in honour of the First World War conscientious objector, Charles Cobb.

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OutRage! members earlier protesting homophobic acts of the Catholic Church.

The Cardinal's lecture was on the themes of social justice, respect and solidarity.

Twenty minutes into his lecture, when Cardinal Winning was extolling the importance of respecting other people, Peter Tatchell of OutRage!, who was sitting in the audience, shouted out: "Why don't you respect gay people? Why do you oppose gay human rights?"

Ignoring the interjection, the Cardinal continued his lecture.

Six members of the gay rights group OutRage! then walked onto the platform and surrounded Cardinal Winning, holding up placards emblazoned with the words "Stop Crucifying Queers" and "Apologize for Church Homophobia".

Mr. Tatchell took the microphone and criticized the Cardinal's support for laws that discriminate against lesbians and gay men. Another OutRage! member, Huw Williams, shouted at Cardinal Winning: "It's about time you stopped supporting discrimination".

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Related Sites:
OutRage! London

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Church officials ripped down the placards and tried unsucessfully to hustle the protesters off the platform.

The police were called and eventually the protesters left peacefully. One member of OutRage! was arrested but was later released without charge outside the meeting.

"It is hypocritical for Cardinal Winning to talk about justice, respect and solidarity, when he denies these things to lesbians and gay men", said Peter Tatchell.

"Inviting the Cardinal to give this lecture is an insult to the memory of Charles Cobb. Whereas Cobb took a stand against injustice, Cardinal Winning endorses the injustice of anti-gay discrimination".

"Cardinal Winning opposes gay equality on Section 28, the age of consent, marriage, employment, military service and the fostering and adoption of children".
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Cardinal Winning

"He has condemned love between people of the same sex as a 'disorder' and 'perversion', and he endorses the Catholic catechism's denunciation of homosexuality as a 'grave depravity'", said Mr Tatchell..

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