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Unitarian Universalist Church Blasts Back at the Boy Scouts of America
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President of Free-Thinking Religious Denomination Sounds Off

'Don't Try to Tell Our Church
What We Can and Can't Do!!!'

Compiled by Badpuppy's GayToday
Based on Unitarian Universalist Reports

"I confidently expect that the present generation will see Unitarianism become the general religion of the United States," prophesied Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States. President Jefferson was overly optimistic about future changes in the tides of religion. Clearly, however, he foresaw how Unitarian Universalism might continue to represent and to serve the best of spiritual values in the nation he'd helped to found.

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Unitarian Universalist Association President John A. Buehrens.
In a letter recently released to the public, The President of the Unitarian Universalist Association, John A. Buehrens, responded to meddling by the Boy Scouts of America, blasting officials of the anti-gay Texas-based scouting organization for promoting exclusionary policies and for its blatant attempts to discriminate against Unitarian Universalists simply because they oppose the anti-gay policies of the Boy Scouts.

The Unitarian Universalist June 11 reply was made to Lawrence Ray Smith, Ph.D., Chair of the Boy Scouts of America Religious Relationship Committee, located at 522 East Lane in Kerrville, Texas 78028. The text is as follows:

Dear Dr. Smith:

Our Youth Office received your letter of May 7 stating that Scouting youth may no longer be awarded the Unitarian Universalist Religion in Life award for Boy Scouts nor the Love and Help award for Cub Scouts.

You do this because our manual for the Religion and Life award includes statements designed to help Unitarian Universalist youth deal with the tension that they may feel between Unitarian Universalist religious principles and certain aspects of BSA current policy, particularly with regard to discrimination against gay Scouts and leaders and with regard to those whose conscientious ethical and spiritual principles may not include a belief in God.

Surely the Religious Relationships Committee of the Boy Scouts of America cannot intend to tell a religious group what we may teach with regard to our own religious principles. We teach our youth, as a matter of religious principle, that discrimination against people simply by virtue of their belonging to a particular category of human being is wrong. We cannot be expected to ignore the question of discrimination against gay scouts and leaders in our guidance to boys studying our religious principles and history.

scouting.jpg - 10.12 K Unitarian Universalism also has a special openness, ministry and mission to those who may have trouble with traditional ideas about God. This too is a matter of religious principle with us. We know that we are not alone in regarding doubt, as well as piety, as a part of faith. Moreover, if a good Buddhist Boy Scout said, "No, I do not believe in a God," would you exclude that child for following the teachings of his own faith?

You attempt to define the Boy Scouts of America as an 'ecumenical' organization, and object to our reference to it as 'secular.' I believe that you misunderstand both words. 'Ecumenical' is a distinctively Christian term properly used only with regard to inter-Christian cooperation. It is not appropriate to an organization that aspires to inter-faith relationships. Rabbis and imams would not find it appropriate at all. Moreover, because the BSA is grounded in moral and civic values, but not in a particular religion per se, the term 'secular' is quite appropriate. Many BSA leaders, including members of the National Council, would repudiate the implication of your statement that the BSA is an entirely Christian organization. Or do you really wish to exclude Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and members of other minority faith communities?

Your committee is charged with a great responsibility: to help the BSA relate to the increasing religious pluralism of American society. Judging by your letter, you are in danger of failing in that task. You risk exposing the BSA to charges of discrimination -- not only against a sexual minority, but against entire religious groups, starting with Unitarian Universalism, a movement which has deep spiritual roots in America's commitment to religious freedom, to democratic values, and to minority rights.

Some of our congregations date back to the time of the Pilgrims; others are associated with the American Revolution, the abolitionist movement, the struggle for women's rights, for civil rights, etc. Our members have long cooperated with the BSA. Our churches sponsor troops, our members serve as adult leaders (some on the National Council), and our youth regularly win awards. Hundreds have received the Religion in Life award in recent years. I myself became a Life Scout, and attended a World Jamboree. As a pastor in New York City in 1990, I helped to organize a troop for boys then living in the city's welfare hotels. Because of our long-standing concern for religious pluralism, we could be helpful to your committee. It saddens me when I see mistakes like your letter that threaten to deny Scouting and support of Scouting to boys who could benefit from it.

I have consulted Tom Deimler, the staff member of the BSA who works with your committee, and have agreed with him to take part in a meeting about all these issues in September or October. In the meantime, I must tell you that I believe that your letter has put your committee and the BSA in an untenable and nearly ridiculous position. We will not acquiesce in such discrimination. We will not stop distributing a Religion and Life manual that reflects our religious principles. We will not stop providing Religion and Life awards and Love and Help emblems to Scouts and Scout leaders. If you and the BSA honestly believe that it will promote or defend Scouting to refuse our awards or to have Scout officials tear them off the uniforms of boys I think that you are sadly mistaken. Most Americans will see such actions for what they are: blatant discrimination against children on the basis of their religion.

Yours regretfully,

John A. Buehrens President (Unitarian Universalists Association)

GayToday Postscript: In 1964, Unitarian Universalists became the first religious group to engage in dialogue with gay and lesbian activists on the East Coast of America. Several Unitarian ministers, after meeting with members of The Mattachine Society of Washington, gave stirring sermons in and around the nation's capital defending the civil rights of homosexuals.

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