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Mysterious 'Dirty Tricks' Attempt to Utilize Anti-Gay Sentiments
Illinois and Nevada Campaigns Become Tricksters' Targets

Pranksters Seek to Embarrass Gubernatorial & Senatorial Candidates
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Gov. George Ryan

By Patricia Conklin

Republican and Democratic campaign offices in both Illinois and Nevada expressed dismay this week in the wake of mysterious stunts that have reportedly been performed to embarrass candidates.

In Illinois the gubernatorial campaigns of Republican Gov. George Ryan and his Democratic rival, Rep. Glenn Poshard, say they have been stymied by disguised tricksters who took part in an event staged so as to appear to be the work of a "gay group"—The Gay and Lesbian Coalition of Illinois-- which does not, in fact, exist.

The Republican candidate was meeting June 3 with conservative members of his party at a riverside restaurant in Rockford, Illinois when a boat containing two occupants, their identities masked, unfurled a rainbow-colored banner reading: "Thanks for your support George Ryan—The Gay and Lesbian Coalition of Illinois."

The boat's banner caused a degree of agitation among the visiting conservatives and the gubernatorial candidate's staff. An intensive search for the Gay and Lesbian Coalition of Illinois revealed that the so-called group is non-existent. A director of the Illinois Federation for Human Rights, said he'd never heard of the group.

Strategists on both sides of the political fence agreed that the timing of the "thank you" demonstrated the desire of the tricksters to embarrass candidate Ryan in the presence of right-wing members of his party. No one, however, appears ready to place blame on either gay community organizations or on Ryan's Democratic rival.

Spokespersons for the rival, Rep. Glenn Poshard insisted that his staff had played no part in the prank. Poshard's press manager claimed to be in the dark about the matter.

In the past, however, the Democratic candidate demonstrated that he is not above misrepresenting an opponent's viewpoints on gay and lesbian issues. During primaries, a mailing from Poshard was sent to voters falsely claiming that his then Republican rival, John Schmidt, supported gay marriages. Schmidt, in fact, had expressed opposition to same-sex marriages, although he did not oppose domestic partnerships.

poshard.jpg - 5.44 K Rep. Glenn Poshard Democrat Poshard also had claimed to be a "born again" Christian and a Southern Baptist. "Through much brokenness and relinquishment I accepted Christ as my personal savior and Lord when I was 25 years old.

. . . What I truly need most are your continuous prayers, for that is what will sustain me and my family throughout the rigors of this campaign," he wrote to prospective voters, "We would also welcome your active participation in any volunteer activities or would appreciate any financial support you might be able to provide."

The Illinois Federation for Human Rights pointed out to reporters that there was no good reason for a gay organization to embarrass Ryan in front of conservatives..

Two years beforehand Ryan had issued an executive order banning anti-gay discrimination. Other Republicans holding state offices have done the same, however. For a gay group to "thank" Ryan in such a manner therefore appears unlikely.

Nevada's Personals Ad Prank

The Reno News and Review, an alternative newspaper. Rep. Ensign is running for the seat of Democratic Senator Harry Reid.

reid.gif - 5.99 KThe personals ad gave the appearance of having been sent from Nevada's Democratic party offices, marked by the party's name and phone number. It read: "Vegas politician seeks Republican man for companionship while campaigning in Reno. Must be interested in animals, canoe rides on Lake Tahoe, and possibly living in Washington. Being a Promise Keeper would be a plus."

Democratic party staff members promised a swift investigation and offered apologies to the Republican congressman. Paul Henry, chair of the state's Democratic Party called the ad "despicable". "To the extent it's our fault, I take full responsibility for it and apologize to the congressman," he said.

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Rep. John Ensign
The Republican candidate's campaign staff is trying to discover whether the ad was faxed to the newspaper by either a Democratic activist or one of Reid's volunteers working out of the party office in Reno. "This is either an attempt to make the Democratic party look bad or it's a perverse joke," said one staff member. Both sides acknowledged that anyone could have programmed a fax machine to identify the offending ad as having originated at Democratic Party headquarters.

The Republican candidate is a member of the Promise Keepers, a "Christian" anti-gay men's organization.

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