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![]() ![]() Gay Son Beaten, No Kisses News Updates: Compiled in Bali through Wired Strategies Comments by Activist John Aravosis of StopDrLaura.Com |
By John Aravosis StopDrLaura.Com Greetings from Bali.
Join the National Day of Protests Against Laura To mark Paramount's decision to stick by its double- standard on prejudice, and televise the "Dr. Laura" TV show on September 11, StopDrLaura.com in concert with our incredible local organizers will be holding protests in cities across the nation from September 9-11. Please see the StopDrLaura.com home page, half-way down the page in the left-hand column for details about protests in your city - www.stopdrlaura.com/home.htm Parents Brutally Beat Gay Son If you needed a reminder why we continue to fight: "A 17-year-old Bronx youth who announced to his family he was gay last February was recovering yesterday from a severe beating, allegedly inflicted by his parents. Police say that Hendrick Paterson, 49, and Sharon Paterson, 36, of Wickham Ave. in the Bronx, repeatedly smashed their son with a lead pipe at a relative's home as they yelled anti-gay slurs. 'God will punish you for your lifestyle!' police quoted the couple as saying. 'You can't be gay!' The couple was arrested by the NYPD's hate crimes unit late Friday and charged with assault and criminal possession of a weapon." New York Daily News, August 13, 2000. Advertisers Run from Laura
Lesbian Kiss a No-No Two women were ejected from a Dodgers-Cubs game at Dodger's Stadium last month for kissing. The team president, Bob Graziano, reportedly issued a public apology to the two women, according to City News. The story went on to report that the Dodgers donated 5,000 tickets to gay and lesbian organizations, and will do more sensitivity training with their staff. Laura's Boss Censors Her Laura Schlessinger's radio boss, Premiere Networks, sent StopDrLaura.com an email a few weeks ago demanding that we remove a quick soundclip of Laura calling homosexuality an error, as they claim it's a copyright violation (which is BS, we talked to our lawyers). You see, Laura went on the air August 12 and said we were lying about her anti-gay rhetoric. She then went ahead and reiterated that homosexuality is an error in biology. So, in order to be fair to her, we put a copy of her latest rant on our site for all to judge for themselves. What happened next? Rather than thanking us for letting Laura's own words speak for themselves, they sic their lawyers on us. Seems the only one censoring Laura Schlessinger is her own boss. Two Women to Marry in Texas, Legally Two women are set to be legally married in Texas on September 6. But there's an interesting catch. One of the women was born a biological man, and is thus transgender. As Texas law apparently recognizes the gender of the person as being what kind of chromosomes they have, the transgender woman is still a man under Texas law and thus able to marry "his" wife legally. Thus, transgendered people in gay or lesbian relationships can get married in Texas. Who'd have thunk it? To subscribe to the free Wired Strategies email update list: for the latest on gay civil rights issues, send a blank email to: join-THELIST@wiredstrategies.com |