Gay News

Democrats.Com to Launch Offensive
over Stolen Election 2000

Party Activists Work to Channel Widespread Anger in the USA

Election Theft Called 'Most Important Crime against Democracy'

Compiled by GayToday

New York, New York--Heading into the fall campaign of 2001, Democratic activists are planning a "Fall Offensive" to remind voters about the Stolen Election of 2000, and to channel the anger felt by millions of Americans into effective political action, culminating in a grassroots movement to return Democrats to control at every level of government. is launching its "Fall Offensive" at a press conference in Washington D.C., with the participation of prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi, author of The Betrayal of America: How the Supreme Court Undermined the Constitution and Chose our President, (which reached #4 on the New York Times bestseller list), Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL), author of the forthcoming book Towards A More Perfect Union, and Kit Gage, Vice President of the National Lawyers Guild.

According to co-founder Bob Fertik:

"The 27,000 members of are proud to declare that we will NEVER 'get over' the Stolen Election. In the ten months since Election Day 2000, we have learned the truth about Florida - that Al Gore really won. The only reason George W. Bush occupies the White House is because his campaign stopped all of the votes from being counted. To put it simply: George W. Bush stole Florida with the help of his brother, Governor Jeb Bush, his campaign co-chair, Secretary of State Katherine Harris, and a partisan Republican majority of the U.S. Supreme Court."

According to co-founder David Lytel:

"The unlawful suspension of the recount in Florida by the U.S. Supreme Court is the most important crime against democracy in our long and proud history. We know that millions of Americans are still angry about the election, so despite the almost total news blackout of this issue we will work tirelessly to ensure that justice prevails through the ballot box." cited a recent USA Today/CNN/Gallup poll in July which asked whether Bush won "fair and square." By 50%-48%, a majority of Americans said no. Over one quarter (26%) of the respondents did not accept Bush as a "legitimate" President. A poll in June by FOX News found that 58% of Americans were still angry about how the votes for president were counted in Florida. "In their hearts, most Americans know that Bush stole the election," said Fertik. "We will mobilize the majority of Americans who believe the voters - not the Supreme Court - should choose our President."

The "Fall Offensive" is featured at:

The key activities include:

  • Disseminating the truth about upcoming recount by the media consortium - that if all of the LEGAL votes had been counted, Al Gore won Florida. This campaign is featured at:

  • Exposing "Floridagate," a collection of 60 crimes committed by Republicans to steal the Florida election, and demanding investigation of these crimes by Congress and the news media. This campaign is featured at:

  • Launching a grassroots campaign to pass the Dodd-Conyers Election Reform bill
  • Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:

    Anti-Bush Activists and Oral Majority Form Strategic Alliances

    Democrats: Florida Vote Scam Shows Bush Uses Any Means

    The Illegitimate President: The USA's Coup d'etat

    Related Sites:

    Gore Won Florida

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  • Launching a grassroots campaign for Rep. Jesse Jackson's Constitutional Amendment to give Americans the right to vote for President

  • Launching a grassroots campaign to Impeach the Supreme Court 5, in support of efforts led by former Rep. Charles Porter and groups like the National Lawyers Guild. This campaign is featured at:

  • Launching a grassroots pledge campaign to sweep all Republicans out of office in 2001, 2002, and 2004. This campaign is featured at:

  • Continuing to protest every appearance by George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, the Supreme Court 5, Jeb Bush, and Katherine Harris, in cooperation with our allies in America's vigorous new pro-Democracy movement. Current and future protests are featured here: Hundreds of past protests are featured here:

  • Making News the most important news alternative to the corporate media in America through timely and in-depth reporting of stories that the Republicans don't want Americans to see. Free e-mail newsletters are available here: is the largest independent community of Democratic activists, with over 27,000 subscribers to its e-mail newsletters. was founded by Democratic Internet consultants David Lytel and Bob Fertik in January 2000. For more information about, visit and click ".Company."
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