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Inquiring Minds Ask: Did Gary Bauer Use a Condom?

Anti-Gay Presidential Hopeful Fights Adultery Rumors

'Inappropriate Behavior' Charged by Campaign Aides

By Jack Nichols

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Republican presidential candidate Gary Bauer: Did he sin?
Washington, D.C.—A presidential candidate's private life is fair game in the media and this time the candidate who is discovering this the hard way, is none other than Republican ticket hopeful and conservative family values torchbearer, Gary Bauer.

Bauer, who has lined his entire career with blatant anti-gay, anti-AIDS-remedy strategies, was forced by the rumor mill to hold a press conference Wednesday to deny charges of adultery now plaguing his run for high office.

Clearly distraught on camera, he proclaimed himself as one who has been entirely faithful to his wife of 27 years, while she too, he insists, has been faithful to him.

Charlie Jarvis, Bauer's former National Campaign Manager, speaking on the conservative Fox News station, said that Bauer was known to spend "hours and hours and hours" behind a closed door with a "young single female" staffer. Bauer also traveled alone with her, violating "Christian" behavioral standards as they apply to married men.

Wired Strategies' John Aravosis addressed Bauer's inconsistency:

"Interestingly," Aravosis writes, "Bauer responded to the charges by saying he should not be held to such strict standards of Christian morality. 'I am not a minister...I am not a pastor,' Bauer said in his defense.

"First," Aravosis points out, "the 'don't hold me accountable to your religious beliefs' argument comes from a guy who demonizes gay men and lesbians on a regular basis, all in the name of his own religious beliefs. But then when those beliefs come back to bite him in the butt, all of a sudden he's a born-again liberal."

Bauer's former campaign manager, Jarvis, said that he and other Bauer staff members saw Bauer as indulging "careless,reckless behavior." In the wake of the Clinton-Lewinsky scandals of last year, Jarvis insisted, "that kind of activity" opens Bauer to reproach. His campaign, Jarvis demanded, must not hint "even a semblance of impropriety."

Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:
Florida Pickets Hound Hatemonger Gary Bauer

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Related Sites:
Gary Bauer for President

Wired Strategies

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It was partly for this reason, says Jarvis, that he resigned from the Bauer campaign and is now an aide for Republican Steve Forbes' second presidential campaign.

Though the Forbes campaign denies engaging in rumor-mongering, a bitter Bauer insinuated that Forbes, his Republican opponent for the conservative religious vote, was engaging in a smear campaign.

Wired Strategies director further explains:

"Things get even fishier when you visit the Web site of the Family Research Council (FRC), a far- right political lobby founded by Bauer.

Did Bauer throw stones at a glass house?
"FRC criticized the Clinton administration in a July 14, 1999 press release because the Defense Department had the audacity to put married men and women in close-proximity working conditions, when we all know that leads to "adultery." (Read the document at )

"FRC railed at the time about: 'the realities of putting young members of both sexes in close proximity for extended periods potentially setting them up for sexual misconduct. Adultery is a crime'."

Aravosis laments Bauer's long-lived hypocrisy:

"For America's soldiers, or ministers, close proximity equals adultery. Yet when Bauer, who is on leave as president of FRC to follow his presidential ambitions, is in close proximity to young women he works with, we're supposed to look the other way. Is Bauer suggesting that soldiers are less faithful to their wives than the rest of us? Or that men of the cloth are less adept at following the Ten Commandments than he?

"It all comes down to the intolerant right trying to have its cake and eat it too. Invoke the Bible when you want to bash a queer, but God forbid when your own intolerant code of conduct is applied to you.

"Whether Bauer did or didn't cheat on his wife, he finally knows what it feels like to be labeled immoral simply because he didn't live up to someone else's version of morality.

"Try them apples, Gary."

Oral Majority's Bob Kunst, addressing Bauer's closed door forays, said:

"It appears that 9 of his 'staff' (not his rod) have resigned… Can't imagine what he was 'doing' or getting 'done' in there but this sordid episode based on Fox News reporting isn't making Bauer look the least bit positive and in fact the more Bauer denies it, the more one believes he did 'something' as frightening as that might seem to the rest of us, who didn't believe he was capable of anything like 'sex', not in the 'missionary position'."
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Activist Bob Kunst, who led a protest against Bauer in Florida last year

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