Badpuppy Gay Today |
Monday, 06 October 1997 |
Wire reports tell of four women who took off their shirts and marched bare-breasted into the crowds of neo-Christian males. Some of the men, according to the reports, turned quickly to their Bibles while others simply stared at the women.
A security guard perturbed by the sights approached U.S. Park Police Major J.J. McLaughlin and fervently beseeched that an arrest be made.
“Bare breasts are OK,” replied the Major, “in the District…they’d have to do a lot more than that to get arrested.”
In the meantime, speakers on a stage resembling a temple from Biblical times, gushed unashamedly about their sins, including racism, un-Christian interdenominational rivalry, and regularly dumping their wives and families.
Homosexuality, however, was described by the group’s leader and founder, former football coach Bill McCartney, as “the sin that cannot be excused.”
The equality of the sexes was also somehow lost on Promise Keeper Coach McCartney, who, when asked about decision-making in the home, replied, “Somebody’s got to break the tie,” and it’s the male who should “tenderly and gently” assert his leadership.
The Avengers fashioned unique personas at the Promise Keepers' "Stand in the Gap" rally. Appearing as Super Lesbians, they broke the barriers of invisibility, leaping over hate, as they put it, in a single bound.
The Avengers’ direct action protest was meant to demonstrate member Avengers' refusals to be persecuted or to become invisible, which are vital components of the hidden political agenda of the ultra-right wing Christian fundamentalist group, which hopes to scare lesbians and gay males back into the closet.
"As a lesbian, I see the Promise Keepers challenging my very existence. The Promise Keepers want to keep gays shut in the closet, and they've created a well-funded, highly-organized political movement to attempt to make their archaic vision a reality," said Marina Colby, a spokesperson for the Lesbian Avengers.
The Promise Keepers is a conservative religious and political organization focused on asserting Christian fundamentalist values at home and in public life. Although they have asserted that their group is apolitical, their anti-gay political agenda is central to their plans.
Unlike many mainstream Christians, the Promise Keepers teach that homosexuality is a sin according to their bible, and that every man's duty is to work toward restoring the nation to "biblical values." Promise Keepers’ CEO McCartney, was a leading proponent of Colorado's anti-gay Amendment 2, and has publicly described homosexuals as "stark raving mad."
The DC Lesbian Avengers, which helped organize the Avenger protest, is a non-violent, direct action group focused on issues vital to lesbian visibility and survival. The Avengers execute direct actions to expose homophobia in American society and to hasten queer liberation.
The Promise Keepers have come to Washington, DC to atone for their sins. Their leaders have said that this is not a political gathering. Yet they meet in the Nation's Capital, the site of choice for political protest. And funding comes directly from overtly political organizations. They have their promises. We have ours too. We live out these promises every day despite the messages of anger against us, despite the threat of violence from bigots, and despite the perversion of Christianity which teaches its followers poisonous hate.
We vow to make sure that every little girl and boy knows that there are alternatives to the straight jacket of hetero-sexuality. We also declare our hatred and disgust with the "ex-gay" movement. As Lesbians we are not doomed, not trapped, but freely choosing to voice our love for women.
Hey, Guys! Take a break! Let a woman lead! To misquote the words of Tony Evans, "We are not asking for leadership roles. We are taking them." As committed feminists, we affirm the equality of women. We believe in the rights of women to control their own bodies and their own lives.
Hateful legislation breeds a hateful society. We will organize and fight any effort to deny us our full rights as citizens and as human beings. Repent for Amendment Two.
The Promise Keepers will be shocked to find Lesbians wherever they go. We will not fade into the background. We will be on television. We will be in the schools. We will be everywhere.
We will not submit to patriarchy. We will revere Dykes, not just wives and daughters. We will proclaim fluidity of gender and expand the definition of family.
Our vision of society is diverse. We will work towards a community accepting of differences of color, economic status, sexual orientation, ability and gender.
The Lesbian Avengers will not disappear, will not fade away and will spread our message by any and all means. We vow creative, persistent and constant actions against homophobes and bigots.
Promise Keepers: As we have read your promises, we ask you to read ours. We are here to remind you that we are not invisible. We are not quiet. We may be part of your families, but we want no part of your vision for our country.
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