![]() Speaks Out about Bush Treachery Insists an Alarming Fascism is Engulfing an America 'Unaware' Platform Exposes Shame of Economic & Political Skullduggery |
By Jack Nichols
"Within the past year," Kunst begins, "America has been twice terrorized. On November 7, 2000 our nation was subjected to a stolen presidential election. On September 11, 2001, mass murderers stole the lives of thousands." The Democrats passively allowed the election's theft in 2000, he charges. "The U.S. Supreme Court treacherously selected George W. Bush to be president," an act which warrants, he says, "the impeachment of five of its justices. A manipulative media, pretending a year later to 'investigate' the election absolved itself of perpetrating the deception." Oral Majority members and chair Bob Kunst have initiated 182 protests in 45 cities, garnering mention from over 700 newspapers between Election 2000 and the present day, demanding a federal investigation into Florida's electoral fraud. "Gore won the presidency," Kunst insists, confirming what he says 64% of the American public felt nationally prior to September 11, 2001, namely that Bush had utilized illegitimate means to win his seat in the Oval Office. At each demonstration, the public was with Kunst and other Oral Majority's protesters. "In locales where we didn't protest," he notes, "it was business as usual." Kunst, a pioneering social activist (see: www.kunstforgov.com ), became a candidate in Florida's gubernatorial race in June, 2001. His intention has been to expose the election's theft, wherein 20 out of 67 county supervisors of elections had neglected, as required by law, to conduct a mandatory machine recount following the November 7, 2000 debacle. Therefore, l,800,000 votes have yet to be recounted. Kunst has also called attention to Jeb Bush's "illegal use of state stationary as well as $500,000 for 100,000 absentee ballots to be cast in "the convenience of one's home", while Republicans illegally manipulated ballots in a number of counties. "The GOP in the House Armed Services Committee illegally used the Pentagon to collect GOP military votes," Kunst recalls, "which Florida's Secretary of State, Katherine Harris, accepted ten days following the election, although she deliberately ignored 200 Gore votes cast in Palm Beach County, votes that had arrived only two hours late." "These treacherous betrayals," Kunst told GayToday "were the tip of the iceberg warranting a Federal investigation by then Attorney General, Janet Reno, who opted ignore what had transpired. "Florida's Attorney General Butterworth who conducted Gore's state campaign, received 2600 voter fraud complaints about which he refuses to act. Nor will he do anything about 30,000 affidavits of voter fraud in Broward and Palm Beach Counties. "What, then, can be expected from the Bush-appointed U.S. Attorney General, John Ashcroft, whose anti-rule-of-law antics in the wake of September 11 have been called 'deeply disturbing' by the American Bar Association's executive director as well as by the ACLU and People for the American Way.
Katherine Harris, recently ran several near-secret and utterly cosmetic hearings, purportedly to address questions about voter recounts and reforms. She purposely forgot to notify the public, however. Tallahassee's hearings went unattended. Four persons in Miami, including candidate Kunst, and four citizens in Orlando got word of the voter reform hearings and attended meetings in those cities. Kunst exposed the Harris-Bush betrayals before a crowd of 80 at the Jacksonville hearings, as well as before 27 in Tampa and 25 in West Palm Beach. In Tampa, he was threatened with arrest following his speaking these views. Katherine Harris, who is now running for the U.S. Congress, spent $4 million to stop 4000 supposed felons from voting. Currently, Florida is suffering a $1.3 Billion shortfall that will eliminate drugs for the elderly as well as monies for schools. Ms. Harris has been central in the schemes of Governor Jeb Bush who, when asked about his reaction to September 11, told the St. Petersburg Times: "I don't want to know about it, and will read about it in the papers". "Oddly," Kunst recalls, "Jeb had already signed an executive order on September 7, 2001 establishing martial law in Florida four days prior to New York's September 11 attack. Kunst notes that fifteen of the nineteen terrorists had operated out of Florida and that Atta, who flew a jet into the World Trade Center, had, on one occasion, abandoned a plane on the Miami International Airport runway. "Atta was neither investigated nor prosecuted. The terrorist had previously been held by Israel for his part in the bombing of a bus, but Ronald Reagan had asked that Atta and all prisoners be released to achieve 'peace' with Arafat." September 11, laments candidate Kunst, saw the mass murder of 6,000 innocents, leaving hosts of orphans, costing 500,000 jobs and adding immeasurably to the woes of an already shaken economy. There followed a distressed public's developing awareness of the abject failures of the nation's intelligence and immigration services. It also became painfully clear to the public that there hasn't been even a semblance of security at airports or on planes. Kunst emphasizes, in fact, that there has been, in fact, no competent personnel in charge of defenses on the home front and in practice "such has remained a mere public relations bluff." He continues:
"Terrorism is a menace," he says, " but America has been sold short by Bush and his advisors who deliberately avoid any fight that requires particular profiteers to be denied a profit. This endlessly- proclaimed war of theirs may well be a diversion for Bushian profiteers, starting with the shameless bailing out of his family's big business cronies. In wartime they know, they can get away with blithely undermining the Constitution while ordinary citizens get token relief against the Taliban, Al Queda and Osama Bin Laden. "By buying Saudi Arabian OIL, Bush and his ilk continue to fund the terrorists, giving them a safe haven, while fundamentalist Saudi imams call for a worldwide Jihad against U.S. and Israel. "Bush, Sr. bought OIL from Iraq until the Gulf War erupted. Once Iraq was defeated, he failed to rid the world of Saddam Hussein. Thanks to Bush Sr., Saddam is still using OIL revenues to build weapons of mass destruction against Israel and the United States, to build his palaces and to fund and organize terrorists worldwide. A half-million Iraqi children have died in the interim, Hussein won't feed his citizenry, and blames the United States for attacks made September 11 on U.S. soil." Kunst, who is Jewish, speaks directly to voters in Florida's large Jewish communities: "George W. Bush and his associates rewarded both Arafat and Osama for September 11 by thereafter proclaiming his support for a Palestinian state, one that endangers Israel's very survival with continued daily killings by Arafat's uncontrolled terrorists. The brazen Bushes, because of their OIL interests, have betrayed September 11th's victims one and all, as well as America's commitments to its allies. "Attorney General Ashcroft is using a variety of techniques to gut the U.S. Constitution," Kunst charges, "always using 9/11 as his excuse, Now he says his office can no longer 'be all things to all people'. He is transforming the United States Department of Justice into a terrorist attack upon what is sacred for all Americans. "While we now know that though the FBI wouldn't be able to find a prostitute if she were in a whore house, that organization is shredding our Bill of Rights. U.S. agents may now eavesdrop on communications between prisoners and their lawyers. George W. Bush has issued an executive order that establishes military tribunals meeting in secret. These tribunals may sentence any non-citizen or "harborer" to death if George W. Bush deems them suspicious or harboring suspicious types. "These tribunals alone are the foremost hallmarks of an ordinary tin-horn 'dictatorship' that loyal Americans must expose and stop. "Instead of investigating America's stolen presidential election, Attorney General Ashcroft prefers, because of his sick fundamentalist religious agenda, to interfere in the personal lives of American citizens. He is currently threatening physicians in Oregon who follow that state's twice-voter-approved law that allows doctors with peer supervisors, to prescribe drugs for the terminally ill, forbidding those dying their right to end their own constant pain. "Instead of upholding the law, Ashcroft pursues medical marijuana usage in California. Voters in eight states have supported such usage, but the U.S. Supreme Court's Bushians have refused to do so. "Ashcroft wants to investigate, prosecute, judge, and to be the jury, jailer or executioner. He is angling fiercely to become the most dreadful of dictators. He has the full support of W who counts on him to keep his Bush family secrets. Ashcroft will cater to the American Taliban, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, et al. He will ignore genuine survival issues such as civil rights, health care fraud, anti-trust violations and environmental carnage.
"An anti-ballistic missile shield is what Bush and his friends are demanding, a commitment to a process that has thus far proved a technical failure but for which Bush is willing to unilaterally trash a 1972 treaty that has protected U.S. shores from nuclear attacks for decades. Few factors do more than this expensive demand to reveal Bush's lack of commitment to our real security. What he and his military-industrial cronies are doing constitutes a horrendous and dangerous outrage. "Who's terrorizing whom here? The Bush Brothers effectively demonstrate in their behavior that between January 20, 2001 and September 11, 2001 there's really been no one in charge at the helm, no one, at least, who is truly committed to protecting American citizens, or, for that matter, the essences of the U.S. Constitution. America has been ensnared by a right wing dictatorship that seeks only its own aggrandizement. "Bush, if he had American security in mind, should demand that Detroit build vehicles that can go further on less. He should be supporting rapid transit and alternative fuels, buying OIL from Russia, Canada, Mexico and Venezuela, if necessary. "Instead, America is still being blackmailed by Bush-driven OIL politics. Americans must not forget that both Bush and Cheney were Texas oilmen. Their agendas are deeply involved in those of both Saudi Arabia and Iraq. The GOP has pressed for drilling offshore in Alaska and in Florida's Gulf and in its Everglades. It would destroy what must be preserved. While the nation's treasures are raped, Bush and Co. will tell us that our Patriotism means going shopping , being "normal" and having patience with their dictatorship's insanity, as our total sacrifice." Kunst's gubernatorial campaign is about empowerment over enslavement, he says. It's about the collective security Americans deserve and about their sacred right to vote. Among the campaign's current slogans are America Fights Back and Boycott Arab Oil. Passive Democratic party regulars supportive of Janet Reno ignore that Jeb Bush currently polls 60% over Ms. Reno's 26%. Passivity is backfiring, and there is no way Janet Reno can defeat him, Kunst believes. Unlike 1986, when Kunst received nearly 150,000 Cure AIDS Now votes in a Democratic Party primary, today's state Democratic Party regulars are refusing to even list Kunst on their web site, or to acknowledge him as a registered Democratic candidate as well as legitimate alternative to a Reno candidacy. Such small-minded political bickering can't defeat Jeb Bush, but Bob Kunst can, he says, because his is the only campaign addressing issues that resound with the voters, issues that no one else will touch. "Fed Up?" he asks, "Fight Back in this only U.S. state where it remains possible to expose the Bush Brothers' misbehavior. You don't have to take it any more! Your don't have to be an accessory to these crimes! You don't have to be silent and complicit or make excuses not to take responsibility for righting such colossal wrongs!" Kunst says he has already " won", by therapeutically fighting back and mobilizing in Florida the nation and the world. Here is what we need to talk about, he insists, those basic issues deliberately being ignored by both parties, other Democratic candidates and a corporate-bought media that provides the Bush Brothers with their free rides. Kunst identifies, he tells others, with the real American heroes, "those firemen and police who gave their lives to save and rescue others." He identifies with all who donated to the victims," he tells GayToday, "only to be betrayed by Red Cross gangsters who sought to keep half of the $1/2 billion that the 'charity' received. But public protests, not Bush's leadership, changed this policy, thus best illustrating the power of the people. You have the power, if you want to use it," he smiles. Kunst says he is asking voters to use him to protest skullduggery at the top of the political totem pole, to address what needs to be changed. "Why are we fighting in Afghanistan if our Sacred Right to vote has been trivialized by the Bush Brothers who discount and miscount on purpose. They would pervert our intent and trample on our rights! "Why," queries Kunst, "do you let these bogus brothers treat you as expendable? As a statistic? As worthy of unnecessary suffering? To be as terrorized as much by them, as by Osama and his gang? "Our trust, confidence and commitment have been trampled upon. Conditions can only get worse if you allow it." Kunst recalls that he delivered this same message on Election Day 2000 and has continued to do so ever since. Campaign Flyer: Contribute to Kunst for Governor Let your patriotism count for something and send the nation and world Bob Kunst's message about what needs to be done if he was to be elected Florida's able governor. Kunst is NOT a politician, but he is armed with a conscience and he has ably targeted ANSWERS. But Kunst isn't the issue. It's about YOU and how much longer you will allow the bums and abusers to keep getting away with their abuse of you, over and over again. THE BUCK STOPS WITH YOU! YOU GIVE UP, THEY WIN. YOU FIGHT BACK, YOU WIN, THEY LOSE! It'll take $10,000 just to qualify on the ballot. Also the first $150,000 raised in Florida will bring two more matching dollars to the campaign and $450,000, doubled, will win it all. Jeb Bush seeks to raise $30 million in order to keep his manipulative deceptions intact. KUNST FOR GOVERNOR CAMPAIGN P.O.Box 402263 Miami Beach, Florida. 33140 Put Kunst campaign stickers on your cars, including his campaign's "No More Bushit" slogans as well. The best defense is a good offense. Do a fundraiser. Invite Kunst to speak to your group. Do it in every Florida community. All monies raised everywhere do matter and every reporting period has shown the growth of the Kunst campaign, statistics the media uses to determine its coverage of a candidate's views. Be visible! Your country needs you. DON'T LET ANY TERRORIST WIN ON ANY LEVEL - WHETHER FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC! GOT IT? Yours Faithfully, Bob Kunst American Patriot, Loyal Democrat and Florida's Next Governor Telephone: 305-864-5110 Cellphone: 305-519-7746 Fax: 305-867-1976 |