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Letters to
Gay Today

A Controversial Slogan

gwbushkeys.jpg - 14.48 K Thank you, GayToday, for your easy-going willingness to cover our recent “No More Bushit” demonstrations.

Gore and the Democrats tried to outdo the GOP by being 'so conservative' that they didn't win any conservatives but certainly turned off the progressives.

By the time Gore changed his hesitant strategy, it was too late, yet he still did win Florida and the election and the popular vote.

My group's 10,000 "No More Bushit" stickers were already circulating in Florida before the election not to mention another 4,000 sold afterwards.

We're only beginning. We intend to keep pushing this slogan squarely into Bush's face. On Saturday, people donated over $900 to support our slogan at the Mango Strut in Coconut Grove.

For over a year now and in our over 100 protests, we see how the GOPerverts simply cannot respond to "No More Bushit". They attempt replies to many other questions, yet can't they overcome both the directness and simplicity of this statement, which has become the mantra for our side. They couldn't respond when we chanted “No More Bushit” during their giant rallies in Palm Beach and Miami.

Reaching people with whom to mobilize and create an ongoing opposition, who have a “No More Bushit” understanding and a willingness to be visible and resistant on this level, is major empowerment for every one of us.

Why retreat by associating with those unwilling to finally get to the point? Is it Bushit or isn't it. We say it is.

I see people who object to the “Bushit” word as folks who are trying to look good on the way to the concentration camp and worse. They are so “image” oriented, and they worry so about how they define themselves in the middle of this electoral catastrophe that they still don't get it. Why the massive silence about this election being stolen?

I'm connecting with those of like mind...who aren't afraid to call Bushit Bushit. Other groups who want to ring their hands and look good, are displeased with us.

Our use of the word “Bushit” will find them dismissing us, putting us down, but they are, in effect, helping the enemy. We understand that and that's why we're not sitting at the same table with them wasting good time, effort and resources while they remain obsessed with their phony “cleaner words” stance.

I urge those of you aware of the danger and the emergency posed by this grand electoral theft to exercise your fullest non-violent outrage by joining our "No More Bushit" bus on its way from Miami to Washington to chant aloud at Bush's coronation on January 20.

Millions of us are already aware and our purpose is to unite with these fellow citizens and to make visible our outrage.

"No More Bushit" remains our patriotic way of rejecting silly bourgeois games, developing a strong support network to assure Bushitty folks they haven't gotten away with stealing Election 2000 after all.

If you want to help, to take the bus ride with us, or to purchase a “No More Bushit” bumper sticker or a “Buck Fush” button, just e-mail us.

Bob Kunst, Miami Beach

Business as Usual?

After the scurrilous farce of vote-counting in Florida, another tea party is in order! Why am I supposed to tolerate the openly partisan display of the Repugli-kkklan Kangaroo Kourt just because "they" said so.

I thought our government's legitimacy was created by the consent of the governed.

The Kourt has clearly shown its bias! Our government has clearly violated us, so why are we so consenting?

Is the Democratic Party going to go along with business as usual? Are fair-minded Republicans going to countenance this usurpation of their freedoms for the dubious election of the village idiot? Are even-handed religious people going to accept the mockery of an illegitimately-elected leader who asks for god to bless this country?

Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:
'No More Bushit' Bob Kunst Threatened by Angry GOP Crowd

The End of the Age of Democracy: Has it Arrived?

American Myth of a Non-Political Court System Melting Fast

Violence and Conventional Male Posing

Related Sites:
Bush/Cheney Administration

Jim Beam
GayToday does not endorse related sites.

Is the Democratic Party going to cave in to this outrageous affront to the historical liberties of the United States? Has any of the responsible leadership of either political party spoken against the ignoble presence of a racist, misogynist, homophobic, fundamentalist bible-thumping creep like Ashcroft as possible attorney-general, a man who recognizes no religion other than his own?

If the Bush-whackers had won with a clear, unsullied vote count, that's one thing, but to have this moron as an illegitimate president, with Cheney as undeclared prime minister is nearly unbearable.

James Nimmo Oklahoma

CC: National Organization for Men
Against Sexism to Jim Beam Brands

I am writing on behalf of the National Organization for Men Against Sexism (NOMAS) to express our concern over your recent advertising campaign ( depicting “male bonding” in the context of female-bashing.

These ads are offensive, misogynistic and denigrating of women. They imply that anything feminine or relational in nature is not of value, especially to men. For example, the ad caption stating “you can count on them to never ask you to “get in touch with your feminine side” feeds into the stereotypic patriarchal imagine of masculinity—devoid of nurturing, emotion, connection, etc. Such a polarized image of male gender roles is harmful to both men and women. It perpetuates the stereotype of non-communication between the sexes, whose outcome in our society had too often been violence against women.

We are disappointed that you do not celebrate the potential of men and women having friendships and relationships based on equality and understanding. We hope you will withdraw this campaign as soon as possible and issue an apology to the millions of men and women who have worked so hard over the past 100 years to end sexism and the stereotypes you have chosen to glorify.

I look forward to hearing from you on this matter.

Very truly yours,
Mose Rozdzial, Ph.D.
Co-Chair, NOMAS

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