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Log Cabin Republicans
Make a Snide Personal Attack

Rep. Maxine Waters: Log Cabins support police official who called her a 'bitch' The Log Cabin Republican's snide, personal attack on one of the strongest advocates of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered rights in Congress is further evidence that their primary emotional commitment is to the conservative-dominated Republican Party, rather than to the fight against homophobia.

No one in Congress has been more consistently and effectively supportive of fairness for us than Congresswoman Maxine Waters. Not only does she have a perfect voting record, including opposition to such measures as the Defense of Marriage Act, but she has often taken a leading role fighting against anti-gay measures, including some supported by candidates whom the Log Cabin Republicans have endorsed for election.

But her unstinting defense of our rights did not deter the Log Cabin Republicans from expressing support for a Los Angeles police official who called her a "bitch" -- that is, the LCR expressed support not simply for a gratuitous insult of Congresswoman Waters, but for one that is often used to denigrate strong, forceful women.

Log Cabin's smarmy encouragement of this sort of attack stands in drastic contrast to the National Stonewall Democrats, which at its most recent event honored the Congressional Black Caucus -- of which Congresswoman Waters is a leading member -- for its strong support of our issues. The distinction between Stonewall's expression of gratitude to a group of members who have been our strongest allies and Log Cabin's endorsement of a nasty personal attack on one of the most important members of that group says a great deal about the role the two organizations play.

And it is interesting to note that when people objected to the Log Cabin newsletter's supportive reference to the attack on Congresswoman Waters, the organization's response, according to the Washington Post, was to blame it on a "low level staffer." Some of us are skeptical that "low level staffers" have final say over official statements that go out in the Log Cabin Republican newsletter. So much for Log Cabin's fealty to the vaunted Republican principle of taking responsibility for one's actions.

Representative Barney Frank (D-Mass.)

California's Pete Knight
is At It Again

California State Sen. Pete Knight: Wants same-sex marriages banned in the United States California State Senator Pete Knight has taken it upon himself to urge people to support a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution banning same-sex marriage. The move for a Constitutional Amendment began last year with a press conference and a group of right wingers pushing to get such an amendment introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives.

MECA and other groups carefully watched as the proposal seemed to attract little interest from the general public. A web site devoted to the issue sprang up and then disappeared about as quickly as it appeared. Every major LGBT group that we know of monitored the situation, and it was the consensus that the right wingers were not able to gather the steam needed to move the proposed amendment forward.

They are at it again. It is clear that the issue is not dead. It is also clear that Pete Knight and his supporters are frightened that AB1338 may move forward next year. That is understandable given the fact that Gov. Davis has appointed a committee to advise him as to how AB1338 may become law in California MECA understands that supporters of Pete Knight and others trying to suppress freedom in the United States should be concerned.

However, we must also be concerned and it is imperative that we continue with our plan to legalize same-sex marriage in California. The passage of AB1338 will be a giant leap forward in our efforts, but it will be a fight to get it done!

MECA believes that the most important task we have right now is education. We know for a fact that the more people learn about the issue, the more the public realizes that marriage discrimination towards same-sex couples is wrong. That fact is supported by the most recent Gallup Poll

MECA applied to the Internal Revenue Service for tax-exempt, 501(c)3, status last year. We have been officially approved and are now a Federally qualified tax-exempt corporation. What that means is that the IRS agrees that we are primarily an educational organization.

In cooperation with Lambda Legal, we have prepared a new educational package which is now available in the downloads section of our web site We believe this 36 page booklet is the most current and complete information available about same-sex marriage. In addition to making our Educational Package available for downloading, we have a plan to distribute it state wide to both gay and non-gay organizations.

It appears that Pete Knight and MECA do have on thing in common! He asks people to send a contribution and to sign a pledge supporting his point of view. MECA needs your help in exactly the same way - AND, contributions to MECA are now fully deductible for Federal Income Tax purposes. Get Engaged!

Please help us fight against Pete Knight and the proposed Constitutional Amendment by making a donation of $10 or more today []. In addition, if you have not signed the Marriage Declaration, please do that today Help us by sending the URL to as many people as you can and ask them to help. We can and will win this fight, but it's going to take time, money and the support of all fair minded Californians!

Marriage Equality California

You MUST Be A Log Cabin Republican,
Mr. BuckcuB

Dear Mr. BuckcuB, Your ravings (see last week's Pen Points) don't take into consideration major points of the argument that you obviously overlook. Obviously you don't actually read the articles that appear in GayToday.

Recently, Jack Nichols took great care in covering the death of Sylvia Rivera. This great woman fought alongside the Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Community for over 30 years and the only payment she asked was inclusion of transgendered people in NYAGRA on her death bed.

Do you know who Sylvia Rivera was and who her contemporaries were? Without Sylvia and her transgendered friends, Mr. Buckcub, there wouldn't be a GLB movement in the Tri-State area. Unless you just plain don't have a clue to the story, you better hit the newspaper archives and look up Stonewall in 1969. The first people to stand up to the police were transsexuals and drag queens. Without Sylvia and her friends you would still be worried that hanging out at your favorite gay bar would result in your being arrested as a sexual pervert as you cruised for your flavor of the week.

Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:
What to Say to Barney Frank?

William J. (Pete) Knight: Spacey Hero & Earthly Bigot

Include Transgenders! Activists Urge New York State

Related Sites:
Log Cabin Republicans

Marriage Equality California

GayToday does not endorse related sites.

How can you say that transgendered people don't have homosexual issues? Are you that cut off from real life that you've never met lesbian male-to-female transsexuals or a gay female-to-male transsexuals? I know literally hundreds of them. I've interviewed hundreds of them for stories. Whether you like it or not, they exist and I for one accept them for who they perceive themselves to be and nothing more.

While I'm at it, I just have to comment on your closed mindedness regarding gender roles. How many times as a gay man have you been called, "sissy", or "disgusting" by straight people for wanting to share your physical love with a man? The reason they slam you and call you names is because they perceive you as a male who acts out in a way they regard as feminine. Explain it to me like I was a 3 year old, Buckcub. How is that different from how straight people perceive a male to female?

Better yet, within my own community, although the thought of lesbians are far less repulsive to straight males, how is a butch lesbian wearing a strap on dildo in her pants different from a female to male transsexual? How about explaining it to Brandon Tina? Oh, I forgot, you can't because he's dead. Another victim of men trying to show someone of gender conviction how they think a born woman should act.

The American Heritage Dictionary defines a "bigot" as "A person of strong conviction or prejudice especially in matters of religion, race, politics or gender who is intolerant of those who differ with him".

Although you would deny it, Mr. Buckcub, as a Republican denies that corporations control the outcome of laws, you are a bigot by all definition. Instead of bashing transgendered people, why don't you thank them for having the fortitude for putting up with GLB people who hate them for making the GLB movement come about when those like yourself either hadn't been born or were too scared to act against an oppressive society.

Go home and fall on your knees that the likes of Sylvia Rivera would have placed you into a position where you could be so narrow minded and complacent about what these people have done for you.

Be thankful that Sylvia Rivera, who fought hard all those years for the rights of Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals and Transgenders died in a halfway shelter because she bore the pain of having to live her life because no one would give her a break. Go home to your comfortable abode and think of the years Ms. Rivera fought for your rights and hers too and how much the GLB community has prospered from her work.

Lastly, look to people like GayToday's Jack Nichols, who fought for a homosexual revolution in the late 1950's and 1960's and were grateful for the help of people like Sylvia Rivera when the majority of the GLB community lived underground in fear.

I'm sorry. I forgot. You know more than an over 60 year old Gay man who's fought this fight for over 40 years, Mr. Buckcub. How silly of me to think you aren't an expert in politics.

Answering any further letters from you is pointless and I make it a habit to usually not argue with bigots. I do, however, make it a habit to show bigots how wrong they can be.

If there are any transsexual readers out there who wish to talk to me, my email address is: Please feel free to write me and tell me of your contributions to the GLB community> I, for one, would love to call you a friend.

Stephanie Donald

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