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The Rainbow Sash Movement & Catholic Dogma
![]() "We are faithful Catholics," say RSM members, "who believe in the Teaching Magisterium" is in utter contradiction to the rest of the article. Faithful Catholics accept the teaching of the church without question and certainly without public demonstration against an ordained prelate! The Roman Catholic church is NOT a democracy. The current pope has made that abundantly clear. There is no room for people who don't conform to the rules. They are automatically anathema to the church. They are heretics and there is no hope for their salvation. That said, of course, the only reason the Roman Catholic church hasn't fully implemented their own rules is that their coffers would drain. So they pander to the seat-warmers who give cash and enforce their rules against those with whom they think the seat-warmers don't like. Anyone who thinks they can foment a popular movement for change should focus their energies more productively and start a new church. The head of the RC church in Great Britain is right. -- "Christianity has been 'all but eliminated' as a source of moral guidance in people's lives, according to the head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. The Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor also lamented the fact people were 'indifferent' to Christian values and the Church when he addressed the National Conference of Priests in Leeds" http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/uk/newsid_1527000/1527876.stm It's about time... Donald Internet Radio Host Critiques Florida Media (Carbon Copy)
When a regular real patriot, like Robert Kunst, decides to run for office (as it should be in a real democracy), he should be able to get the same coverage, as the people who PAY for their campaigns and elections. Who based on their fire and personality, couldn't get elected class-president in a school of children! What is so scary for newspapers and television/radio reporters these days? What or who has silenced you? As it is, you are losing readers and advertisers constantly to the internet news. Do you stop to think that actually reporting the news for, of, and by the people may actually GAIN you the world? Print is almost dead, and it wasn't technology that did you in, it was the loss of honor. So many brave men and women have died for centuries to assure each of us the freedom of speech, expression, assembly and so on. I, like Robert Kunst, don't believe in taking that for granted. There are always true patriots, true citizens out there who CARE about America as a WHOLE, who want to make a difference. Who fight for what they believe in, without being a "sell out". However, our media is more concerned with the sexual activities of other human beings, instead of realizing the value they have in their work, teachings and to society.
When you have ZERO readers and ZERO advertisers? When you all join the long unemployment line to recession happening now? Robert Kunst and many Americans like him are heroes! Simple, everyday people who KNOW truth when they see it. Who aren't afraid to put themselves in the line of fire. Who may not have the big money to BUY an election, but who have the fire of the people (the taxpayers, not the 1%) in their heart and soul. You should be finding ways to support his campaign, because he is YOU and I. Separate of the bushit of life. Everyday people. The same people that founded this country on solid principles and simple language of freedom. Why not open your eyes and words before it's too late? Corporate America has bought the tongue of America. But, the eyes and ears of America are still open, and they're watching you. Judging you. Leaving you - behind! What would your mother think of you, today? What will your children think of you, tommorrow? What will you do when what goes around comes around for you? Right now, the U.S. Justice Department has one young reporter in detention for failing to give them her notes and tapes on a book she wrote; another reporter is having his phone records demanded because he was brave enough to report truth. To think it won't get around to you once you irritate the powers that be (maybe, over reporting a shark attack), isn't sound thinking. At that point, you will SEARCH for the Robert Kunst's of the world. Well, he's here now, in your midst, appreciate him, support him!
Thank you,
Boycott the Colorado University System!
The Board deadlocked in a 4-4 tie over whether or not to provide benefits for same-sex partners of employees of the Colorado University System. The board chair, Maureen Ediger, a Republican, refused to cast the tie-breaking vote ostensibly because she didn't have enough information to determine the cost or return on investment of such a program. She also claimed not to have been swayed by a $35,000 hate mail campaign mounted by Regent Tom Lucero in cohorts with the Christian Coalition. CU provides benefits to unmarried heterosexual partners. So this is a blatant attack against homosexual employees. Colorado citizens once voted for a constitutional amendment to deny equality for homosexual taxpayers. Amendment 2 was overturned by the US supreme court after a world-wide boycott against Colorado. It is obvious that the people who voted for amendment 2 still live in this state and that at least 5 of them are on the CU Board of Regents. I say it is time for the country, and the world, to once again demonstrate its disagreement with blatant bigotry in public institutions. College professors should refuse to work in the CU system. Students should refuse to attend the colleges and universities that fall under the CU umbrella. Institutions of higher learning should refuse to include CU institutions in their programs, and fund grantors should refuse to support institutionalized bigotry with their money. BOYCOTT THE COLORADO UNIVERSITY SYSTEM!! Write to your federal elected officials and demand that federal taxpayer money not be given to the Colorado University System until they provide fairness in their hiring practices. Refusal to spend 4 cents per thousand dollars of budget is evidence of pure and simple discrimination. |