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Letters to
Gay Today

Killing Gays is Doing God's Good Work?

An Open Letter About the Trial of Aaron McKinney for the Killing of Matthew Sheppard (sic) in Laramie, Wy.

Subtitle: God Will Not Change His Word

The Matthew Sheppard (sic) incident saddens everybody. It spurs me to work harder with the three gays I am counseling. I am pressing them to understand there is a fact none of us can change.

It is that a gay is under a death penalty from God and his or her blood is guilty before God (Lev. 20:13) and if a person kills a gay, the gay's blood is upon the gay and not upon the hands of the person doing the killing. The acts of gays are so abominable to God, His Word is there and we can't change it. I tell gays another Matthew Sheppard (sic) incident may happen any time.
shepmckinney.jpg - 9.93 K It was bad enough when crazy ol' Fred Phelps (top left) showed up at Aaron McKinney's (left) trial for the murder of Matthew Shepard. Now another zealot's chiming in and trying to cash in

Q&A #2070 in my book, What God Says Now, reads this way: "Suppose a person killed a homosexual. Would he be guilty of shedding innocent blood?" The quick answer is NO.

Explanation: "The homosexual is guilty before God by virtue of his abominable acts and is already under a judgment of death (Rom. 1:32). The blood of the person would be upon himself or herself (Lev. 20:13). However, individual persons are not encouraged to execute homosexuals. That responsibility is placed upon the 'ruling elders' or the state."

What God Says Now explains also God is against the gay lifestyle because a man desecrates the Life Spirit he carries in his sperm when he places it in an unclean vessel.

Aaron McKinney is only guilty perhaps of manslaughter, assault and battery, not murder worthy of death. I have no doubt he was under evil influence if he did the deed. I say he was not fully aware of what he was doing. I have tired to get through to his defense attorneys, but have not heard from them.

In a way, all Americans are guilty of Matthew Sheppard's (sic) death. We have not told gays the real truth. Churches are not doing their job. Our federal government is encouraging gays to stay under the Satanic affliction rather than repenting, resisting and coming free. That makes all of us worthy of the same death penalty (Rom. 1:32).

I have found in working with gays and hearing them explain their feelings the affliction of homosexuality is so integrated into their homonal (sic) makeup it is very hard to resist (James 4:7) and get free. But, it is possible. Men are breaking free of the affliction and coming around to a normal lifestyle and getting from under the death penalty. We must, beyond any doubt, encourage men to break free.

Whatever is done to Aaron McKinney will not stop the killing. Other killings will happen if we ignore and don't believe the truth. We can reduce the number of incidents by getting this frank and truthful information out to gays: GOD WILL NOT CHANGE HIS WORD.

God loves the gay person, but hates the acts. I call on every reader of this letter. Help me get the word out to gays: "You are loved, but you are under a death penalty because of your acts. You should be looking regularly over your left and right shoulders. You can be another Sheppard (sic) incident. Ignoring or not believing, screaming, cussing or fussing will not change God's Word. You must break free of the affliction. Repent and start resisting and Jesus will help you."

Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:
What A Best Friend I Have in Jesus

Humanism & Eastern Philosophy

Barry Lynn: Defeating the Religious Right

Related Sites:
Americans United
GayToday does not endorse related sites.

Pray, talk, write, donate. Help me get the word out that talk in favor of gays won't change God's death penalty. I call especially on parents of teenagers and young people. Help me distribute this tract. Order 100 copies and hand them out to family and friends. Speaking up for gays won't change God's Word. Let's band together and get that message out. We can head off the affliction and save many young people, perhaps your son or daughter, brother, sister or friend.

Make donations in favor of the church. Rev. Edmond Locklear, Jr., Bible Study Fellowship Church, PO Box 3177, Pembroke, NC 28372.

What God Says Now is being republished under the new title: RIGHT_WRONG. It will have 632 pages with 3640 questions & answers. Here is really what is right and what is wrong. Your life depends on you knowing which is which. ISBN# 0-9614336-0-4. Order from, Barnes &,, or WFCPress, Box 3187, Pembroke, NC 28372. Price: $24.95.

Ministers: Print out this letter and share it with your congregation. You can help your people's understanding.

Christians: Show and tell this letter to family & friends. E-mail your friends and tell them where to find this letter. Talk about it in the chat rooms. You can bring someone to Christ.

Parents of Teenagers & Young Adults: Require your child to read this letter. What they know from this letter can save their lives.

Editor's Note: GayToday recommends against sending any donations to the Rev. Edmond Locklear, Jr., who foolishly sanctions murder.
Illegal Aid to Churches through the 'Fathers Count Act'

Proposed federal legislation designed to boost fathers' parenting skills and help low-income families stay off welfare is fundamentally flawed because it directs taxpayer money to religious groups.

The U.S. House of Representatives last week voted 328-93 to approve the "Fathers Count Act" (H.R. 3073). We maintain that sections in the bill dealing with the funding of churches (the so-called "charitable choice" provisions) raise serious constitutional concerns. During the debate, the House took up an amendment offered by Rep. Chet Edwards (D-Tex.) that would have limited participation to groups that are not "pervasively sectarian," but the measure failed 238-184. blynn.gif - 8.48 K The Rev. Barry Lynn

"Fathers count, but so does the Constitution. Promoting strong families is a good thing but forcing taxpayers to support religious institutions against their will is not.

We take issue with a provision in H.R. 3073 requiring that at least 75 percent of the "fatherhood grants" in the bill be awarded to "non-governmental (including faith-based) organizations." The bill contains inadequate church-state safeguards to ensure that houses of worship don't spend federal money to advance their sectarian beliefs. It also permits religious groups to take government money and still discriminate in hiring.

Taxpayer money should not be used to advance religious proselytism or finance religious discrimination. For all concerned, it's best that houses of worship rely on private donations to fund their social service projects.

Barry Lynn
Executive Director
Americans United for Separation of Church & State

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