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Letters to
Gay Today

No Honeymoon for Bush!

robintyler.jpg - 7.41 K Robin Tyler Some liberal people are calling for a breathing space for President 'not' elect, George W. Bush. They think it is fair to let him have a 'honeymoon' period to see what he will do. Somebody is entitled to a honeymoon when the marriage is consensual. When they have just fucked you, without consent, there is no honeymoon. Rape is a crime, not a relationship.

Robin Tyler,
Los Angeles

Lets Have a Cold War in America Until…

gore.jpg - 6.57 K Al Gore: Sitting pretty for 2004? Albert Gore's speech was a testament to his idealism and genuine love for the country. This is the same man that went to Vietnam, not because he believed in the war, but because he believed in service. But it is precisely this idealism that weakened him enough to be beaten. The high road is for the lonely.

It's absurd to think that conservatives would be talking about this being a time for reconciliation etc. if Gore had won…They spent every day for 8 years trying to run Clinton out of office to the extreme of bringing the country to its knees over a sex act and what they called a lie. They gave him zero honeymoon, instead shrieking bloody murder that Clinton tried to allow gays in the military as a sign of his dedication to social liberalism. It's ironic that Clinton haters bring him up now to make the point that he was a good president. Bush is no Clinton. When he gets the treatment given to Clinton, do you think he will get a second term and a consistent job approval rating higher than Ronald Reagan's? Get ready for the intensity of vituperation and mockery about to be unleashed on this son of Texas. It will be richly deserved for this self-proclaimed avatar of dignity and honor.

Fuck conservatives and their lying propaganda. Republicans used the office of the Secretary of State to certify a statistically invalid election. They stole the election through abuse of executive power, and when the Florida Supreme Court produced the only sound and just solution, to count every vote in that godforsaken state, in a markedly hypocritical move, the Republicans took the case to their ace in the hole, their conservative, unprincipled and unjust operatives in the Supreme Court.

I say, make every day a cold war day in this country from now until we can rid ourselves of this fundamentalist and giant corporate power machine. Rid yourselves of Republican friends. Turn your back on Republican politicians when they speak. Lower your flag to show your grief for democracy. Wear black at work. Make reminders of the illegitimacy of the Bush presidency Republicans at every opportunity. At your job, quietly work to wreck deals with companies headquartered in Republican states. Turn down job offers from Republican employers, spend your hard earned dollars making sure the left is organized and powerful. Sell your stock in companies like Halliburton. Spend your retail money when you can with left leaning companies and companies who gave disproportionately to fund left causes, companies like Working Assets. Spend the time to find out what businesses are funding the Republican takeover. Stop spending money there.

Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:
George W. Bush, Jr. Caught Projecting a Phony Image

Did George W. Bush, Jr. Say He Won't Hire Gays?

The Scary Case against George W. Bush, GOP Candidate

Related Sites:
Slate: The Complete Bushisms
GayToday does not endorse related sites.

The Republicans and the media are saying that this whole process is proof of how resilient our democracy is. Not at all, it is proof of how lazy and undefended it has become. From the antiquated and ludicrous machinery of voting, to the circus of our media, our republic is reeling in its weakness, as Camille Paglia characterizes it, it is as bilious as the last days of Rome. And at the head of this rotting fish is now an obvious fool, stumbling and snorting his way through scripts handed to him by the powerful men that dictate his every action.

Again, Albert Gore's speech was a testament to his idealism and genuine love for the country. This is the same man that went to Vietnam, not because he believed in the war, but because he believed in service. But it is precisely this idealism that weakened him enough to be beaten. The high road is for the lonely.

Novato—Badpuppy Forums, December 14

AIDS Reporting

I fear that Patricia Nell Warren is on to something and that we will see a new trend in AIDS public relations and reporting.

Keep in mind that up till now the main thrust of HIV public relations has been "every body is at risk" and appeared to be challenging the early perceptions that AIDS was a gay thing.

Take care,
Michael E.

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