Compiled By Jack Nichols
Tinky Winky Was My Lover
I didn't just watch Tinky's TV show, I bought the books, each title more arousing than the last—"Dipsy Dances," "Four Happy Teletubbies,"—culminating in the inevitable erotic explosion of "Tubby Custard Mess." I wanted Tinky, I wanted him bad, as he group-hugged and cavorted through the greensward of Teletubbyland, swinging a red purse…I should add that Tinky was not my first celebrity crush. I'd spent a few torrid years experimenting with Eeyore, Barbar, and the exhausting Curious George, and I can thank Viagra for that Catskill's weekend with The Little Engine That Could."
Paul Rudnick— "The Talk of the Town" --The New Yorker, March 8
What do Homophobes Really Fear?
Untrammeled homosexuality can take over and destroy a social system…
If you isolate sexuality as something solely for one's own personal
amusement, and all you want is the most satisfying orgasm you can get –
and that is what homosexuality seems to be – then homosexuality seems too
powerful to resist. The evidence is that men do a better job on men, and
women on women, if all you are looking for is orgasm…I'm convinced that
lesbians are particularly good seducers…People in homosexuality are
incredibly evangelical…It's pure sexuality. It's almost like
pure heroin. It's such a rush. They are committed in almost a religious
way. And they'll take enormous risks, do anything…
(Heterosexual marriage?) Generally, it doesn't deliver the
kind of sheer sexual pleasure that homosexual sex does.
Dr. Paul Cameron--anti-gay activist-- " The Holy War on Gays"-- Rolling Stone, March 18
The Christian Action Network's Homo Content Demand
"Wasn't it called the V-chip to stop violence, wasn't that the
whole pitch at the beginning?…Now we get down to what they
were really after."
David Lee--creator/executive producer of "Frasier" quoted by Lisa de Moraes— "The Outer Limits—Gay Characters Break New Ground"-- Washington Post, March 3
'Bigger Than Thou': Lay it on the Coffee Table
At a party that GQ magazine's turtle-neck loving editor Art Cooper
threw for contributing editor James Ellroy and his new book Crime Wave at Joe's Pub on Feb. 17, Mr. Ellroy told the crowd that according to
a recent survey, "men who read GQ have substantially larger penises
than men who read Esquire, Playboy, Forbes and People, Maxim and
Details." Furthermore, Mr. Ellroy said, "It was revealed that men
and women who read GQ boost their IQ on an average of 14 points
per issue."
Frank Digiacomo—"The Transom"—The New York Observer, March 1
Warnings for 'Christian Content'?
Where's the advisory for 'Christian Content?' Consider:
South Park Shamelessly blatant depiction of Christ (as a kung fu expert and cable talk show host).
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Uses more crucifixes than the Vatican.
Friends Frequent appeals to the Supreme Being (i.e. Janice and her 'Omigawd!')
Felicity Contains a virgin, an inn, and many revelations. Very fishy.
Emeril Live Dishes include Christmas ham and angel food cake.
The Simpsons Flaming Christian Ned Flanders puts the fun in fundamentalism.
Albert Kim—"News and Notes" –Entertainment Weekly, March 5
If Bob Dole Had Won the Presidency
It may take a little courage to ask your doctor about Erectile Dysfunction. But everything worthwhile
usually does.
Bob Dole--Former Senator and Republican Presidential Candidate—Newsweek advertisement, March 8
Steve McQueen: His Masculine Appeal
What elevated him above being just a sex symbol was that he didn't
alienate men. Men really liked him and found him appealing. His
brand of masculinity was an unassuming, easygoing toughness that's
not bullying or puffing up the chest, but rather a likable commanding
of respect. Appealing, yet somewhat intimidating: You want his
respect. |
Ben Affleck in the upcoming movie Forces of Nature |
Ben Affleck on Steve McQueen, Interview magazine, March
Welcoming Butch Women
Athletic women are the role models of the next millenium.
Lauren Hutton--famed model and narrator of "Dare to Compete: The Struggle of Women in Sports"
March 8, HBO
Jerry Falwell: Psychic Masochist
Rev. Jerry Falwell finds himself in a customary position—the object of derision.
National Review—"The Week" March 8
Roger Ailes: Fox News Titan is Rupert Murdoch's Boy
Mr. Ailes, after all, is the media wizard who helped both Ronald Reagan
and George Bush court rabidly antigay religious zealots in successive
political campaigns, often screaming at gay activists along the campaign
trail and doing whatever he could to silence them when the cameras began
rolling. And he today works for ultraconservative Rupert Murdoch, whose
New York Post and other publications have cast homosexuals as the
greatest threat to modern civilization.
Michelangelo Signorile—National Observer: "Too Glad for the Money, Gay Elites Welcome Old Foes"--The New York Observer, March 8