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Quotes & Quips

Compiled By Jack Nichols

Memorize This for Fun

queerasfolk2.jpg - 6.94 K "I'm queer. I'm gay. I'm homosexual. I'm a poof, I'm a poofter, I'm a ponce. I'm a bum-boy, batty-boy, backside-artist bugger. I'm bent. I am that arse bandit, I lift those shirts. I'm a faggot-assed, fudge-packin', shit- stabbin' uphill gardener. I dine at the downstairs restaurant, I dance at the other end of the ballroom. I'm Moses and the parting of the red cheeks. I fuck and I'm fucked. I suck and I'm sucked. I rim them and wank them, and every single man's had the fuckin' time of his life. And I am not a pervert."

Queer as Folk—Spoken when one character comes out to his parents and his young nephews, Rex Wockner's International News Report, GayToday, March 17

Yale's "C" Student Can't Wait

Ya know what? I can't wait to talk about ejakayshun.

Gov. George W. Bush—in Austin, Texas, CNN, March 14

dmiller.jpg - 6.74 K High Drama Republicans

I think the primaries this year, especially on the Republican side, have been kind of riveting. Here it is early March, and already the Republican primaries have had more high drama than a drag queen returning a pair of shoes without a receipt.

Dennis Miller—"Dennis Miller Rants About the Republican Primaries"—HBO March 14—

Dr. Laura Ballbuster

Schlessinger herself isn't credible. It's been widely reported that her doctorate is not in psychology but in physiology. That's the biological study of living organisms and their parts.

In Schlessinger's case those were private parts. For her doctoral research, Dr. Laura spent nearly two years removing fat deposits from rat testicles. I'm not sure what kind of insight into the human condition such research provided, but it certainly does give us a whole new spin on her propensity for ball-busting.

Mike Fitzpatrick—"Reality Check: Lashing at Laura"—Milwaukee's In Step,

March 8
Celebrity Grandparents meet
Peter Pan & Wendy

peterpan.jpg - 8.63 K Family Additions: My wife Macel and I are grateful to be able to announce the birth of twins to our son Jonathan and his wife Shari. At this moment unnamed, the little girl weighs five pounds, eight ounces, and the little boy weighs six pounds, eight ounces. Jonathan and Shari's other children, Jonathan Jr. (4) and Jessica (2), have named their new siblings Peter Pan and Wendy ... neither of which has met the parents' approval. I am happy to report that Mom, Dad, babies and grandparents are all well! To see photos of the new additions, you may visit:

Rev. Jerry Falwell—Falwell Confidential, March 16

To Dance or Not to Dance

divacard.jpg - 5.17 K Life is too short to dance with ugly men.

Diva Postcards – "Exposing Women Artists"

Voting for Togetherness

The state has a strong interest in promoting strong and lasting families, including families based upon a same-sex couple.

Text of a Bill-- passed 76-69 in the Vermont House of Representatives, March 16

Gay Donkeys Trash Queer Elephants

gaydonkeys.gif - 3.73 K For them to argue they're included [in Republican politics] is a bit facetious and intellectually dishonest…to say their party is supportive as a whole, while every person in leadership is putting out anti-gay statements...I find that interesting.

Brian Shinn--Stonewall Democrats of Central Ohio President—on the Gay and lesbian Log Cabin Republicans-- quoted in Columbus Alive, March 9-15.

Papal Vagueness

Paradoxically, the very limitations of his apologies, their very vagueness, will now stimulate a deeper investigation into church history that conservatives would just as soon keep buried in the dusty boxes of the archives.

David I. Kertzer—"A Cautious Apology, but it's a start"—New York Times, March 16

Ask the Pentagon to Protect Us from Ourselves

More Americans were killed with guns in the 18-year period between 1979-1997 (651,697) than were killed in battle in all wars since 1775 (650, 858).

Handgun Control—quoted in Bob Herbert's New York Times column, March 16

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