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Quotes & Quips
Compiled By Jack Nichols


alfredenewman.jpg - 2.91 K This is a Bible that's been in our family for generations. Its been passed down from my great grandmother to my grandmother and then to my mother and then my cousin because my mother hated me! Then when my cousin died she willed it to another friend and that's who I stole it from.

Charlie Richards—writer for "Scenes from the Antiques Freakshow"—MAD magazine, May 1999

The Spice of Life

I just think there are so many different kinds of sexuality and I think being queer is much bigger than who you're sleeping with at any given moment. I've experienced many different kinds of love with many individuals in my life. I still consider myself queer and I'm happy to be here.

Ani DiFranco-- at The Gay/Lesbian Music Awards—"Out and Loud"—Rolling Stone, May 27

Tainted Love in the Jenny Jones Verdict

jenny3.gif - 6.28 K But the verdict implies that a gay proposition is enough to send a shaky guy over the edge…This verdict reinforces the notion that homophobia is natural, that rage at being tagged as or tainted by a gay man is understandable.

Ellen Goodman—"Bad News for Media & Gays"—The Boston Globe, May 13

Views from Behind

budlightad.jpg - 9.24 K Gay media activists used to excoriate television news shows for illustrating gay-themed stories with footage showing, from behind, two anonymous men holding hands on a city street.

The activists believed such depersonalizing imagery reduced gay men to negative component parts: held hands, rear ends, facelessness.

Now, similar imagery – two muscled arms, one man's hand clasping another's, all shown from behind – is gracing print advertisements intended to sell beer to gay men.

Dave Ford-- "Intoxicated by Bud Light's gay-themed ads"—San Francisco Examiner, May 13

Advocate Columnist Already Likes Bush

If I found myself, come November 2000, voting for Texas governor George W. Bush, I would not be surprised.

Brendan Lemon—"Last Word—A Bush in the Hand…" The Advocate, May 25

National Review Says Gary Bauer is Principled

bauercouple.gif - 15.77 K Gary Bauer, former head of the Family Research Council is officially running for president. He is a principled conservative, and should therefore run a campaign that advances conservative causes.

The Week – an editorial in National Review, May 17

bfrasermummy.jpg - 8.40 K Cruising Advice

Never stand in front of a really buff guy covered in metalic body paint who can silently steal your thunder.

Photo caption in "Star Tracks"—People magazine, May 24 (advice to Brendan Fraser as he posed at the L.A. Premiere in which he played the Mummy's boy)

Brendan Fraser
Won't Politicians and Big Business Fight Back?

A society built around information tends to produce more of the two things people value most in a modern democracy—freedom and equality. Freedom of choice has exploded in everything from cable channels to low-cost shopping outlets to friends met on the Internet. Hierarchies of all sorts, political and corporate, have come under pressure and begun to crumble.

Francis Fukuyama—"The Great Disruption"—Atlantic Monthly, May

Christianity Today's Editors: "It was ALL his fault."

(United Methodist Reverend Gregory) Dell was not the victim of a Macarthyite purge mounted by the denomination's conservative activists. After the UMC's highest judicial body had made it clear that the denomination's ban on blessing same sex unions had the force of church law, Dell created a test case, and his own bishop, a liberal who publicly agreed with Dell's stance, filed the charges against him. The trial was entirely Dell's doing.

Editorial in Christianity Today, May 24

Tom Hayden, a 60s Anti-War Hero, Rides Again

thayden.jpg - 8.78 K By defending Clinton's "degrading" of Serbia's military capability, pro-war liberals are degrading their own moral capability to serve as critical watchdogs. As a result, avoidable civilian suffering is on the rise, and military double-talk is fostering a credibility gap that goes unquestioned. Saying you are sorry for killing cleaning ladies is little consolation when the Administration already acknowledges it to be inevitable. Even worse, the Clinton administration is intentionally targeting the civilian infrastructure of Serbia to weaken Milosevic and, if possible, avoid a U.S. troop commitment. The moral balance between means and ends disintegrates where there is no liberal dissent from policies like these. War may be hell, but there is no justification for the United States to refuse to admit that it is carpeting Kosovo with antipersonnel bombs to save it. These cluster bombs spill from the sky and explode from vibrations on the ground, sending twisted chucks of shrapnel in all directions.

Tom Hayden—California state senator—"The Liberals' Folly"-- The Nation, May 24

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