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Quotes & Quips
Compiled By Jack Nichols

When Rep. Dickhead Armey Called
Rep. Barney 'Frank "Fag'

dickarmey.jpg - 12.53 K I was talking to Steve Gunderson, who is a gay Republican who does very good work but is far too prone to apologize for his gay-bashing colleagues. Gunderson said, "I know Dick Armey and he doesn't have, a prejudiced bone in his body." I said, "I don't know about prejudiced bones in his body, but I know he has a prejudiced thought in his head."

Barney Frank—Interview—Playboy magazine, July, 1999

Unbalanced Bores

outforgood.jpg - 5.16 K Out for Good is neither balanced nor objective – nor is it the "definitive" history Messrs. Clendinen and Nagourney clearly set out to write.

The book is personality driven, with subjects' physical and other attributes described in ways that are at times adolescent and at other times offensive. The authors gratuitously label various male and female activists as "ugly," "pudgy," "unattractive" and "bulky." One activist who is an albino is described as "300 pounds of damp pink flesh."

Michelangelo Signorile— "Whitewashing the Gray Lady: Old Bias Back in the Closet"—New York Observer, June 6

Out for Themselves

It would have been wise for them (authors of OUT for GOOD Dudley Clendinen and Adam Nagourney) had they not proclaimed in their introduction the intention of writing "a definitive history of the movement" (though not, they add confusingly, one that is "comprehensive"; how they intended to achieve the former without the latter, escapes me.) mduberman.gif - 13.57 K Martin Duberman

Martin Duberman—"Uncloseted History—a review of OUT for GOOD"—The Nation, June 14

Activism Badmouthed

Yet consistently OUT for GOOD portrays gay activists as their own worst enemies, with political advancement repeatedly thwarted by unnecessarily ugly intramural politics. The authors forget that intense infighting has characterized virtually every struggle for civil or constitutional rights.

David J. Garrow—"Slamming the Closet Door—a Review of OUT for GOOD" New York Times Book Reviews, May 30

Why Pat Robertson's Bank of Scotland 'Deal' Failed

rbtscotwar.jpg - 14.35 K "Contrary to what he believes, Scotland is not overly tolerant of homosexuals, less so than London," says one Scot who works in financial services. "We just happen to believe in personal freedom and we are allergic to stridency and rabble-rousing."

Financial Times--June 4

Anti-Transvestite Strategy

rosierivet.jpg - 16.39 K We all know the problem; what we need are solutions. Saying men can't wear dresses while ignoring women wearing pants has been getting progressively more difficult to defend ever since Rosie the Riveter took over our factories in '42. And comments about confusing God's plan for the separation of men and women actually comes off as sexist and works against us.

The best approach seems to be the fear angle that we talked about last time. We've got to convince women that cross-dressers, transsexuals and gays are infiltrating their ranks and undermining womanhood and women's rights. We've got to make women believe that men in dresses and other "female" clothing are dangerous to them.

We've got to make women afraid of these people. Then we can claim that we are defending women -- We aren't against men in dresses; we are against what the conspiracy of men in dresses is doing to degrade womanhood. That's the high road, that's the strategy. Now, what tactics might be effective?

Carl a fictional character in Rachel Miller's Our Gender Family #16, July

Revolution in Tipping

My daughter is disabled. She can't hold dishes in her hands and so she works at McDonald's cleaning the tables and the floors. Rich people who leave generous tips at fancy restaurants never even think to leave a tip for her or for clean-up folks in the country's fast food outlets. Have you ever left a tip at a McDonald's? Why not? People work just as hard cleaning up fast food messes but they don't get any tips like bus boys do in the finer restaurants. If only able customers began leaving McDonald's clean-up people even 25 cent tips they'd do lots to improve poor workers' images of the idle rich.

Ray TowersTowers Topics—June 4

helmlott.gif - 31.81 K Bypassing Republican Bigots

Under the constitutional provision that allows Presidents to bypass the confirmation process when Congress is in recess, Mr. Hormel can remain as Ambassador until late next year. His shameful treatment by Mr. Lott and his G.O.P. colleagues will be remembered long beyond that.

Editorial--New York Times, June 5

Making the World Safe for Sodomy

Clinton does unpopular things in sneaky ways…This (Hormel ambassadorial) appointment was not going to fly, so he imposed it on the country. And it means he's using this nation to make the case to the world for sodomy and adultry.

Robert Knight— Family Research Council--"Clinton Appoints Gay Man as Ambassador as Congress is Away"—New York Times, June 5

America's First Gay Ambassador Speaks:

I am very pleased and honored that the President has appointed me as United Stated Ambassador to Luxembourg. I want to thank him, Secretary Albright and the many members of the United States Senate who have supported my nomination. I deeply appreciate the confidence they have expressed in me and I look forward to serving.

James Hormel—Statement to the Media, June 4

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