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Quotes & Quips

Compiled By Jack Nichols

John Rocker:
Mouthy Bigot is Mousy Athlete

jrocker.jpg - 7.26 K As has been fairly evident watching him pitch, he has not been able to demonstrate the ability to command or control his stuff, and it has gotten him and our team in considerable hot water.

John Schuerholz—General Manager of the Atlanta Braves—“Rocker is Demoted a Day After Outburst”—New York Times, June 6

Reform Party Nazism

I am interested in a resolution at the convention to remove Jim Mangia from any leadership role in this party, and to physically eject him, along with any trash or dangerous biological waste that may have found its way onto the convention floor…As our party is being purged of some cancerous infections, the surgery is proving somewhat painful. However the postoperative prognosis is good, as we will walk forward into the future, free of these debilitating parasites.

William Shields—Pat Buchanan supporter and Delaware Reform Party Chairman in a May 31 e-mail to party members blasting openly gay national party Secretary Jim Mangia.

General Clark Finds Out How it Feels

I object to being characterized the way I have been characterized by people who don't have a clue as to who I am as a human being or who I am as a commander.

Maj. Gen. Robert T. Clark-- departing commander of Fort Campbell, where Pfc. Barry Winchell was bludgeoned to death last July. Clark is objecting to charges by lawmakers who say he tolerated anti-gay harassment on base.
privatewinchell.jpg - 6.88 K Murdered Pfc. Barry Winchell

Phoebe was a Deaconess!

The weight of scriptural evidence supports the position that in most circumstances it is best if men hold that (clergy) position…But in the scripture we also read that Phillip had a couple of daughters who were evangelists and that Phoebe was a deaconess.

Rev. Eric Frye—pastor at Salt Lake City's First Southern Baptist Church— “Southern Baptists to Stress Opposition to Homosexuality, Women Clergy” Salt Lake Tribune, June 10

Coming Out Pridefully in a Secret Locale

bfrank2.jpg - 9.85 K Rep. Barney Frank The Central Intelligence Agency held a gay pride celebration on its secretive campus in Langley, Va., on Tuesday and invited Representative Barney Frank, an openly gay member of Congress, to give a keynote speech. About 60 gay employees of the C.I.A. were joined by a busload of intelligence workers from the National Security Agency for the event, which also drew top officials, including George J. Tenet, the director of central intelligence.

Christopher Marquis—“Gay Pride Day Is Observed by About 60 C.I.A. Workers” New York Times, June 9

Any Excuse in a Controversy Storm

Using one of the world's most powerful supercomputers, scientists have traced the origins of the AIDS pandemic to the 1930s. The work casts doubt on a controversial book that links the worldwide epidemic to contaminated batches of oral polio vaccines in Africa in the late 1950s.

Charlene Laino—“AIDS Traced to 1930s”—MSNBC, June 8

maher.gif - 7.68 K He Doesn't Like Little Pricks

This George Bush—I don't like that little prick. I'll be honest.

Bill Maher—“Be More Cynical:--HBO, June 10

A Tribute to the U.S. Congress

You are being represented by soulless cash whores and I mean no disrespect to real whores.

Bill Maher—“Be More Cynical”—HBO, June 10

Panties in an Uproar

By offering marital health benefits to homosexual couples, General Motors, Ford and DaimlerChrysler have joined the corporate cultural wrecking crew that seeks to destroy traditional morality. This is a hit-and-run attack on marriage and the natural family, regardless of the corporations' stated motives.

Robert H. Knight-- Family Research Council's Senior Director of Cultural Studies, Press Release, June 9

The Woes of Michigan's Senator Abraham

Sen. Abraham with wife and children My husband is proud to stand up in the senate for the traditional values you and I share. But recently, Spencer has paid a steep price for defending our conservative values. He's had to weather a storm of vicious attacks. Personal, mean-spirited attacks by a host of radical left-wing special interest groups. Pro-Abortion radicals, militant homosexuals, big labor unions, extreme environmentalists, and the liberal media are trying to drive Spencer out of Congress.

Mrs. Spencer Abraham-- asking for money to support the re-election of her husband to the United States Senate.

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