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Quotes & Quips
Compiled By Jack Nichols

Cross Dressing at the Bottom of the Sea

cuttlefish.jpg - 9.77 K Kinky sea creatures steal mates from bigger rivals by changing shape and color to impersonate females, it was revealed yesterday.

Cross-dressing cuttlefish turn transvestite to tag along with sexy pairs. And when the bigger male is distracted fighting off another suitor, they drop their disguise and move in.

The Mirror-- "Why Life's a Drag for Cuttlefish"-- July 15--London

$ Half-a-Million for Gay History

The teaching and research of gay and lesbian history at the University of Wisconsin-Madison got a major boost Sunday with the presentation of a $500,000 check from the estate of the late UW historian George Mosse.

``George felt the UW-Madison could be a leader in this crucial area of study,'' said John Totorice, Mosse's partner of many years, at the annual gay/lesbian council brunch of the Wisconsin Alumni Association at the Memorial Union. ``It was his fervent hope that with this gift, the university would finally commit itself to the teaching of our history as part of the regular curriculum.''

He quoted passages from Mosse lectures in which Mosse saw importance both in the history of homosexual emancipation and in the way some dominant cultures, including the German Nazis, defamed and persecuted gays as a means to restrict straight sex roles and the full expression of masculinity and femininity.

Ron McCrea—"UW Gay History Gets $500,000"-- Capital Times, July 19-- Madison, Wisconsin

Coffee, Hamburgers & Sex

gaylovers.jpg - 9.57 K A senior bishop has urged a more tolerant attitude towards sexual promiscuity, arguing that extramarital sex may not be immoral.

The Most Rev Richard Holloway, Bishop of Edinburgh and Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church, insists in a new book that religion should not feature in debates on ethics. Using language that was condemned by traditionalists, he calls for a more relaxed attitude to biblical strictures on sexual behaviour

Many young people have sex whenever they feel like it, "the way they have a cup of coffee or a hamburger", he says, but they are not necessarily lacking in sexual ethics.

Ruth Gledhill--The Times, July 24 1999-- London, England.

Puritanical Christians: Scottish Teen Views

Scots teenagers perceive Christians as puritan at best and, at worst, sinister, says a new academic study.

Many base their views of religion on how it is portrayed in TV soaps and form stereotypical images of Christians.

The findings, presented to the conference yesterday, come from a study by Ailsa Tomkinson, a visiting lecturer at Edinburgh's Queen Margaret College University.

Daily Record and Sunday Mail newspaper, July 22--Glasgow, Scotland.

Nun Jailed Over Rape of Girl, 10

sexandchurch.gif - 9.31 K A former nun who held a 10-year-old girl's legs down while she was raped was jailed for life yesterday.

Nora Wall, 51, held the victim's ankles while co-rapist Pablo McCabe carried out the horrific attack.

As he passed sentence, Judge Paul Carney told the former Sister of Mercy that she had led the assault on Regina Walsh at a children's home in Dublin.

Daily Record and Sunday Mail newspaper, July 24-- Glasgow, Scotland.

A Roman Catholic Bishop's Confession

A Roman Catholic Bishop who resigned this week after being sued for alleged sexual abuse by a priest in his diocese has admitted that the two at one time had a "personal, consensual relationship," a lawyer for the bishop said today.

New York Times—"Sued by Priest, Bishop Resigns and Admits to Sexual Relationship"—July 24

What's New?

Will you let me finish? I'm delivering a monologue here.

Larry Kramer --"Kramer Vs. Kushner"—The Advocate, August 17

Where Are We Going?

Tkushner.gif - 7.07 K We're really struggling right now to figure out where the line is between success as a movement And the co-option by people who essentially are welcoming us into a World that we don't want to be welcomed into.

Tony Kushner----"Kramer Vs. Kushner"—The Advocate, August 17

Nudity--Woodstock '99 Style

woodstock94.jpg - 11.60 K The last reported case of innocent breast breast-bearing took place circa Woodstock, 1969; A recurrance is not expected at the festival's upcoming thirtieth anniversary celebration. (Nudity, Woodstock '99 style, is likely to have less to do with peace and love than with flogging merchandise.

Rebecca Mead—The Talk of the Town--"Exposure" The New Yorker, July 26

George W. Bush, Jr. on Separating Church & State

Gov. George W. Bush of Texas said today that the Federal Government should "rally the Armies of compassion in our communities" by providing tax incentives and Federal Funds to churches and neighborhood groups to help the needy.

Adam Clymer—"Filter Aid to Poor Through Churches, Bush Urges" The New York Times, July 23

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