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Quotes & Quips
Compiled By Jack Nichols

South Park: 'Breaking Wind' News

Trey Parker, who together with Matt Stone create South Park, hit out at the current "climate of fear" in the wake of the Columbine massacre and the hypocrisy of the U.S. censors, he declared: "It's just scary--going through the trailer process and getting the notes back (from the censors) that say, 'You just can't fart.' It's like, the shot of the guy shooting the M60 and all these people getting shot--that was OK. But the guy farting has to go." parkerstone.jpg - 10.55 K South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone in 1998's BASEketball

"Whoever died of a fart?" Stone concluded

NME.COM July 30

Why the Term 'Gay Lifestyle' Fails

Gay and lesbian Americans can be single, coupled or celibate, just as heterosexuals are. We often have children, through adoption (though not in Florida), artificial insemination, by previous marriages, just as heterosexuals do.

We are bankers, doctors, teachers, priests, athletes, soldiers, farmers, editors — just as heterosexuals are.

We are your friends, relatives and neighbors. We are taxpaying Americans who just seek equal treatment — including the right to adopt, serve our nation in the military, marry the person we love and so on. Is that so much to ask?

Liam Miller---"Letter to the Editor"-- Orlando Sentinel, July 24

Loose & Lawless

Had he lived, the boy who killed that Columbine student after she proclaimed her belief in God could have been charged under Colorado law with a hate crime, but if she'd told him she was lesbian, it wouldn't have been considered a hate crime.

The Letter—"The Kentucky Traveler"

Aquinas is Passe

sttomaquinas.jpg - 13.79 K All practicing gay Catholics out there take note: Official church teaching is indeed that you, personally, are "objectively disordered" and that gay sex is "intrinsically evil." In fact, all sex is intrinsically evil unless it is with your opposite-sex spouse and open to the possibility of procreation.

You might mention this to your lover next time you're looking deep into his beautiful eyes, making love to him and seeing God in the process. Earth to J2P2: The Middle Ages are over. Aquinas is dead.

Rex Wockner— "The Wockner List #53"--San Diego Sidewalk

Viagra Makes Flowers Stand Erect

Viagra (sildenafil citrate) is good not only for treating male impotence. Israeli and Australian researchers have discovered that small concentrations of the drug dissolved in a vase of water can also double the shelf life of cut flowers, making them stand up straight for as long as a week beyond their natural life span.

Judy Siegel-Itzkovich--"Viagra makes flowers stand up straight"--British Medical Journal, July 31

Montreal: Proud of Its Gay Pride Parade

In Montreal…everybody seems to go. It seems to attract very ordinary people. I mean, you see the little old ladies on their folding chairs.

Gail Scott --Montreal novelist—"City Proud of Gay Celebration"-- quoted by Mark Abley in the Montreal Gazette, July 30

Is Uncle Miltie a Real Drag?

mberle.jpg - 9.18 K The complaint filed in a Los Angeles court states that Berle "respects the rights of others in the pursuit of their own individual sexual orientation, Berle is a heterosexual male and does not now, nor has he ever, engaged in homosexual conduct, nor does Berle wish to be viewed as being homosexual.''

William Horn—GLAAD's Hollywood Hotsheet, July 30,--Describing a legal brief filed last week by 91-year-old Milton Berle who objected to his famed fruit head-dressed portrait as Carmen Miranda being used by Century 21 Real Estate Corp. and then published by Lambda Publications, Inc. The caption reads: "Our team of friendly professionals know how to cater to royalty…after all, every queen deserves a castle."

The Vatican Sentences a U.S. Gay/Lesbian Ministry

The brutality of both the sentences and the language is hardly surprising given the political crusade that the Holy See has waged against lesbians and gay men in recent years. They have become the prime targets in Rome's struggle against what it terms the "culture of death", in other words a modern understanding of sexuality spanning such diverse questions as contraception, abortion, extra-marital sex, divorce, sex education and, of course, homosexuality.

Gordon Urquhart— " Return of the gay plague"-- The Guardian, London, July 31

After The Vatican's Ban

vatican.jpg - 25.86 K Parents have said to me, 'Why does the Catholic church hate my child – why do they call my child evil?' We need to re-examine our language.

Father Robert Nugent—quoted by Tracy Vogel—"Priest Talks About Ban"--York Daily Record, July 26

Touch a Relic and, perhaps, Tithe

Father "Bill" Collins, OFM, the founder of the Poverello PWA Food Bank, will celebrate a special blessing of People Living with HIV/AIDS at Pompano's St. Henry's Roman Catholic Church at which time a Relic of Padre Pio will be touched by all desiring contact.

Some who have known and those who have honored the humble stigmatic, Fr. Pio, are thrilled with this opportunity to view the relic that has been brought here from the Vatican and being returned to Ireland after the viewing.

The service will commence at 6:00 P.M. on Tuesday, August 3rd. For further information contact the Poverello Center at (954) 561-3663 ext. (1) 105.

Press Release—July 31

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