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A Novel of Possession

By Perry Brass

Book Review by Jack Nichols

Warlock: A Novel of Possession by Perry Brass, Belhue Press, 2001, 219 pages, paperback, $12.95

In this suspenseful novel Perry Brass has subtly managed to create a horrifying picture of big business tycoons, allowing his readers, perhaps, free reign to imagine the mindsets of such unscrupulous fat cats as are the Ghouls of Enron.

One of the two main characters, a tycoon, explains to the other how he relates to his fellow businessmen:

"The important thing is making these guys feel that they're in control - I'm just helping, see? You can't make 'em feel like you've got 'em by the cahoonies, even when you do. I learned that from a couple of Greek shippers. They always make you feel like they're humble, you're doing them the favor. They can have enough dough to buy and sell you again, but you're doing them the favor."

Funny, I thought, after reading these lines. Some of these tycoons, these Fat Cat chiselers, realize they've got to treat other men-their business peers-with the deftness of a submissive wife.

I credit this book's subtle storytelling approach because its characters at first seem rather ordinary types or proletarians, if you will. This helps make Allen's viewpoint as the narrator accessible to all, however.

He chronicles his romantic attachment to another man through the stages of awareness he reaches while energized by curiosity and fear. At the start we learn that Allen considers himself hopelessly bland and uninteresting. He's mistakenly convinced that having a smaller member excludes him from membership period.

His mysterious new lover, Destry, however, is a somewhat polished brute who assumes total control over Allen's helpless soul. Destry, who sports thick, gray knurly toenails, has a hairy muscular backside as well. He jumps into life with that laughing spunk of the sort, evidently, that Allen goes bonkers about. And from this point on, as Frank Sinatra used to sing: "It's witchcraft!"

Allen's absolute and almost immediate submission to Destry's commands quickly refreshed my belief, as I read, that many or most people thoughtlessly approach their prospective lovers with far fewer questions than they might otherwise marshal prior to a tearful conversion to some seemingly unique religious cult.

Allen, fortunately, isn't totally helpless. He possesses, at least, a subconscious view of himself as a victim of self-serving corporate-world robber barons. This, at least, helps make him suspicious of his demanding new comrade. At 20-something, the companies for which Allen had been working had been "owned by one group of faceless unseen financiers one day and another the next day. You never know who's making out your paycheck now - or which country it comes from."

In the meantime, the financial robber barons, like Destry, play their selfish games at the expense of little guys like Allen. Destry, able to make his little-dicked Allen from Nowheresville feel like a young forgotten prince, whisks him off to Switzerland where an international cartel of business ghouls is poised to eat at least one of them alive.

After our hardly-heroes get off the ground in Manhattan, flying together to Europe, the Swiss countryside comes alive in this book. And, as that happens, the grisly suspensefulness mounts.

Allen finds he's a center of attention among Destry's strange coven of friends.

Male/male sexual episodes are woven into the fabric of Warlock. There are passionate moments that breath through intense orgasms:

"He came inside me. It was like all those butterflies of light had landed. I could feel him coming, his entire, immense orgasm, all the way through me. Through every cell in me. Every cell was now lined up with him - with his cells. I could see them. Know them. It was that intense. Nothing, not a single molecule, could be held back."

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Without here explaining why, let it be said that some of Allen's feelings of inadequacy finally begin to melt. His view of himself becomes transformed. He rediscovers himself, I was glad to read, as one who is:

"…more confident. More, you could say, 'cocky,' which (he) learned had nothing to do with the size of (his) dick."
WARLOCK, A Novel of Possession, deals with the interesting intersection of business and evil. Its author, Perry Brass, can be reached through his Website: For more information on WARLOCK, go to Telephone: 1 (800) 365-2401.
