The Other Side
of Silence--Men’s Lives and Gay Identities:
A Twentieth-Century
John Loughery |
Other Side of Silence--Men’s Lives and Gay Identities: A Twentieth-Century
History by John Loughery, Henry Holt & Company, Inc., 1998, 507
pages, $35
Review by Jack Nichols
Only under the most favorable
circumstances is a masterful writer drawn to explore mountains of research
material surrounding an entire century’s history. That a talent such as
Pulitzer Prize finalist John Loughery’s has been so employed on behalf
of 20th Century gay male history is therefore cause for much rejoicing.
A long-time art critic for
the Hudson Review, Loughery has spent the last half-decade—often traveling
afar—pasting together fresh interviews and original manuscripts, utilizing
his own extraordinary powers of observation. The result is an energized,
exciting work that will remain in the forefronts of scholarship as long
as historic records do. The Other Side of Silence delves into the heart
of almost every aspect of gay male experiences in our times. And, as other
historians have noted, Loughery’s accomplishment is eminently readable.
Professor Martin Duberman
calls this book “a splendid achievement, a beautifully argued and written,
comprehensive, subtle and evenhanded book. It is all at once deeply
informed and entirely accessible—a rare combination in the world of historical
writing that usually divides between opaque scholarship and oversimplified
popularization. Loughery is the happy exception who combines impressive
research with lucid prose.”
Historian James T. Sears
calls The Other Side of Silence “a must read,” that’s “broad in scope,
rich in description, provocative in insight.” Sears celebrates Loughery’s
brilliant prose as illuminating “in a very human manner.”
Yes, John Loughery is the
sophisticate’s dream historian. His ability to turn understatements into
explosive insights is unrivaled. With only a few well-chosen words he can
ably capture the whole of a philosophic perspective. The adjectives
he chooses to describe still-living personalities arrive home with pure
In his painstaking search
for historic facts Loughery has scaled the highest mist-covered peaks without
fearing a fall. The result is so sturdy and assured, so certain in its
intuitive awareness, that it sings—atop the roof of the world-- with a
kind of wondrous power that only a muse could bring to such a task.
This reviewer began earnestly
studying The Other Side of Silence on a cross-country trip to Los Angeles
to meet or reunite with many of the legendary personalities described by
Loughery. These founders of the movement, who were to gather May 22 at
the Samuel Goldwyn Theatre of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences,
were on hand to celebrate the life of the late journalist/archivist Jim
Kepner as well as the past 50 Years of the gay and lesbian rights movement.
Loughery’s magnificent book
leaps along that mythic edge whereon these same visionaries have danced
with lively purpose. The 20th Century itself, in fact, gets an enviable
second life in his pages.
Behind once-seemingly frail
acts of courage these visionaries have performed Loughery discovers core
motives. Describing the “towering figure” of Frank Kameny, for example,
Loughery finds a reservoir of “bottomless indignation”. Kameny’s personal
approach to social injustice is thus captured more effectively in two words
than could be accomplished in lengthy paragraphs.
Randolfe Wicker admits also
that what Loughery has said of him is fully on target. He laughed
heartily at the author’s humorous catch-all phrases about him. “These lines
should appear on your tombstone,” I told Wicker, reading aloud two quotes
describing his early 1960s exploits when he’d become, perhaps, the first
openly gay man to appear on radio and TV.
Wicker’s “taste for the limelight
was not easily satisfied,” notes the shrewd historian. Another line
says that after Wicker had moved to Manhattan in 1961—at the age of 23—“he
was viewed by conservative gay men in New York as something of a crackpot
with an ungovernable need to talk to reporters.” Bingo!
GayToday’s esteemed
reviewer, Jesse Monteagudo, wrote in the June issue of Lambda Book Report
that The Other Side of Silence follows upon an already distinguished collection
of histories that compose “a large and fascinating body of work.”
“It was only a matter of time,” observes Monteagudo, “before a historian
would take that body of work and do for gay men what Lillian Faderman did
for lesbians in her award-winning history Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers.”
John Loughery, proclaims Monteagudo, “is that historian…(and) The Other
Side of Silence is that history.”
Loughery begins his
century-long accounts providing information about little-known sex scandals
in Newport, Rhode Island where the lusty behaviors of both clergy and sailors
required the immediate intervention of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy,
later to be President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
“Much of what is interesting
and refreshing,” about The Other Side of Silence, says Monteagudo, “comes
from primary sources, namely the personal stories of dozens of men who
Loughery himself interviewed.”
After the successes of Loughery’s
previous works such as John Sloan: Painter and Rebel (which got an unblemished
New York Times review, the author then becoming a Pulitzer biographical
finalist) it seemed certain that his long-in-the-making work of history
would evoke similar enthusiasms.
Loughery recalls that in
earlier parts of the century and even still today-- “some men and women,
we know, took their secret and their shame to their graves. Others acted
on it (and still do) in self-destructive ways. A large number found their
way to happiness and fulfillment. But still others chose to move beyond
silence, to see what could be done, what humane capital could be made,
out of that childhood or adolescent sense of otherness.”
“We have yet to reap,” he
says, “the full benefit of their daring, doubts, instructive failures and
hard-fought triumphs.”
If there was ever a book
that can be called an emerald-studded mirror, flashing images of such darings,
doubts, failures and triumphs, it is The Other Side of Silence. |