By Rex Wockner
International News Report
A report in this column that Fiji and South Africa are the only
nations that ban discrimination based on sexual orientation via
their constitutions unearthed the news that, in fact, Canada and
Ecuador also protect gays constitutionally.
Ecuador's new constitution took effect last August. Chapter 2,
Article 23, Number 3 states: "Equality before the law: All
persons will be considered equal and will possess the same
rights, freedoms and opportunities without discrimination by
reason of birth, age, sex, ethnicity, social origin, language,
religion, political affiliation, economic position, sexual
orientation, health status, disability, or difference of any
other type."
The information was provided by Albis Cruz of FEDAEPS, the
Ecuadoran Action and Education Foundation for Health Promotion.
In Canada, a Supreme Court ruling created the doctrine of
"analogous categories" and then "read in" sexual-orientation
protections to Section 15 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms,
which is an annex to the 1982 Constitution Act.
The section states: "Every individual is equal before and under
the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal
benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular,
without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin,
colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability."
The court "read in" "sexual orientation" without physically
rewriting the list, said Ken Popert, president of Pink Triangle
Press which publishes the gay newspapers Xtra!, Capital Xtra!,
and Xtra! West.
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Popert added: "Please note that this section protects only
against discrimination by the state. However, the courts have
applied it to provincial and territorial human rights laws, which
in turn constrain all legal persons, including businesses."