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Equality at ExxonMobil
Promoted by 40 GLBT Organizations

Compiled By GayToday
Human Rights Campaign

HRC Executive Director Elizabeth Birch cuts ExxonMobil card at June 13 news conference in Washington, D.C.
Photo By: Alice Budisatrijo
Washington, D.C.-- The Coalition to Promote Equality at ExxonMobil has announced that 40 statewide lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender organizations have joined its efforts to convince ExxonMobil to treat its employees fairly and offer them equal benefits for equal work.

"This campaign against the corporate irresponsibility of ExxonMobil is gaining momentum and will only continue to expand," said activist Julian Potter, who is coordinating the coalition.

Potter, former White House liaison to the GLBT community, was hired last year by the Human Rights Campaign to help manage its call for a boycott of ExxonMobil. As a result of Potter's efforts, the boycott broadened into a wider call for basic equality for GLBT workers at ExxonMobil, and a growing coalition of concerned Americans has endorsed its goals.

"The participation of these key statewide groups will give our campaign a jolt of energy, increase the number of supporters for the shareholder resolution campaign, the boycott and other measures, and put ExxonMobil on notice that our community's efforts are intensifying," Potter added.

"We will mobilize our members and let them know that ExxonMobil devalues their relationships and that they should patronize other companies that understand fairness and equality," said Diane Hardy-Garcia, executive director of the Lesbian and Gay Rights Lobby of Texas, which has joined the coalition.

"Sending a clear message to ExxonMobil that we will not support discrimination is especially important to our members because the company's headquarters is in Texas."

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Related Sites:
Human Rights Campaign

Coalition to Promote Equality at ExxonMobil
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The Coalition to Promote Equality at ExxonMobil, formed in October 2001 at the 11th annual Out & Equal Workplace Summit, consolidates the independent efforts of seven national organizations that have been employing a variety of means to convince the giant oil company to include sexual orientation and gender identity in its written non-discrimination policy and to provide domestic partnership benefits for its employees.

The seven national partners of the coalition are: The Equality Project; Human Rights Campaign; National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; National Transgender Advocacy Coalition; Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays; Pride at Work and Out & Equal Workplace Advocates.

The coalition's efforts focus on two main initiatives led by national coalition partners the Equality Project, a shareholder activist group based in New York, and HRC, the largest national GLBT political organization, based in Washington.

For four years, the Equality Project has mounted campaigns asking shareholders to approve a resolution that urged first Exxon and now ExxonMobil to amend its written equal employment opportunity policy to explicitly prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation.

On June 11, 2001, HRC announced a nationwide boycott of Exxon and Mobil gas stations and asks consumers to cut up their ExxonMobil credit cards, sending half to ExxonMobil and half to HRC.

"For the last several years, the New York City comptroller has been lead filer of the shareholder resolution urging ExxonMobil to reverse it stance. This reflects the fact that New Yorkers -- whether they be straight or gay -- overwhelmingly reject anti-gay discrimination in any form," said Joe Grabarz, executive director of New York's Empire State Pride Agenda, another coalition member.

"The lesbian and gay community in New York is strongly behind his efforts and is glad to join with other LGBT statewide groups to let ExxonMobil know that there is a broad base of opposition throughout the country to its anti-gay bigotry."

"We are proud to join the coalition because we believe anti-gay discrimination is wrong," said Sean Kosofsky, director of policy for Triangle Foundation, Michigan's statewide LGBT organization.

"ExxonMobil's policies directly affect the livelihood of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. A person's sexual orientation has nothing to do with their merit and should not be a factor in employment. In a world where you have to work to survive, no one should lose their job or be denied equal pay for equal work because of who they are. If ExxonMobil does not prohibit anti-gay discrimination, then they permit it. We will be telling our members to stop fueling discrimination."

The new statewide groups that have joined the coalition are:

Action Wisconsin: A Congress for Human Rights
Arizona Human Rights Fund
Arkansas Equality Network
Basic Rights Oregon
California Alliance for Pride and Equality
Cimarron Alliance Group
Coalition for Equality in New Mexico
Connecticut Coalition for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Civil Rights
Empire State Pride Agenda
Equal Rights Colorado
Equal Rights Nevada
Equality Florida
Equality Mississippi
Equality North Carolina
Equality Tennessee
Fairness Lobby
Freedom Coalition of Lawrence, Kansas
Free State Justice
Gay and Lesbian Alliance of Alabama
Gender Identity Center of Colorado
It's Time, Illinois!
Lesbian and Gay Rights Lobby of Texas
Louisiana Lesbian and Gay Political Action Caucus
Maine Lesbian Gay Political Alliance
Michigan Equality
Mississippi Gay and Lesbian Alliance
New Mexico Gender Advocacy Information Network
New York Association for Gender Rights Advocacy (NYAGRA)
PRIDE Inc. (Montana)
PROMO (Missouri)
Rhode Island Alliance for Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights
Statewide Pennsylvania Rights Coalition
Triangle Foundation
TS/TG Society
United Gays and Lesbians of Wyoming Inc.
Unity Utah
Vermont Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights
Virginians for Justice
West Virginia Lesbian and Gay Coalition.
Your Family, Friends, and Neighbors, Speak Out Idaho! Project

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