of Kelowna, Pouts London May Get a Very Gay-Friendly Mayor Canadian TV Chef Daniel Pinard Comes Out |
By Rex Wockner
International News Report Canadian Mayor Walter Gray of Kelowna, Pouts
"I cannot support their lifestyle through a proclamation," he said. Tribunal member Carol Roberts called Gray's edit "tantamount to a political insult" and said it unlawfully discriminated against gays and lesbians because of their sexual orientation. London May Get a Very Gay-Friendly Mayor
He added: "I want gay people to have the right to register their relationships to stop discrimination. It would help to ensure that if a gay person in a relationship dies there will not be a dispute over entitlement to pension rights, for instance, because the relationship has been formally recognized." Canadian TV Chef Daniel Pinard Comes Out
In his coming-out interview, Pinard told reporters: "I wouldn't be here tonight if it had not been for [the late actor] Jean- Louis Millette. He saved me from suicide. He told me: 'You'll be happy some day, but keep your mouth shut. People are not as tolerant as you think.' "It's terrible for teenagers, because they're surrounded by kids who are frightened by their own sexuality and their own ambivalence and are searching for an image to destroy." Unlike many gays, Pinard would take a pill that would turn him straight if such a thing existed, he said. "Life would be so much easier, and it would be nice to have children," he said. |