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Anti-Bush Banner Planes & Protests |
Compiled by GayToday
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida—Weekend crowds along the beaches numbering nearly two million, according to the local ABC-TV affiliate here, witnessed multiple flights of a Bush Stole the Election banner plane at the area's popular Air and Sea Show. A lone Oral Majority protester, Scott Hotchkiss, provided GayToday with an account of Saturday's reactions to his on-the-ground one-man protest.
![]() Sunday, at the famed Kentucky Derby, the Oral Majority's banner plane also flew circles around the venerable old race track. Thousands of onlookers were reminded of Election 2000's vote-theft. Mr. Hotchkiss' account of his Saturday protest asked: “Was I a lone voice crying in the wind? Actually, I didn't have to use my voice that much. My large poster said it loudly enough : "DESERTER BUSH AWOL in time of War!-- While men fought and died in 'Nam, where was He from May 1, '72 to April 30, 1973 ??? Drinking & Snorting?" “The poster showed Shrubius in his Guard uniform along with the Votermarch banner strip and an upside-down American flag dangling at the bottom. Mounted on a six foot 2x2 piece of lumber it flashed a previously made poster on the back which said: "Supreme Injustice--Stolen Presidency--I want my 14th Amendment rights back--Bush=Vote Fraud--Gore won Florida!" Colorful eye candy indeed! “I made my way to the Middle River Middle School parking lot at 6 a.m. A nice out of the way place not very far from Galleria. With an attendance of more than a half-million expected at the Air and Sea Show, I hoped to avoid the customary $10 parking fees charged in nearby lots.
“One guy said to me, "You really have studied this a lot, huh?" I said, loudly, that I am an American Patriot and I am angry. Any other patriot that isn't angry hasn't been paying attention. More hearty affirmations! “At one point an Army Two-Star General wearing khaki shorts, khaki knit polo shirt, very casual but wearing a baseball style hat with the unmistakable Two Gold Stars, passed right in front of me. “He got a very good look and didn't show much emotion. "Good morning General." "Good morning." "Beautiful day, isn't it?" "Yes it is." “It made me wonder how he feels knowing he has to serve under a deserter. A good man that deserves better, in my opinion. “The numerous enlisted men that I encountered were very polite and some pursed their lips and tilted their heads as if to say, "Oh well, what can I do? I guess we're stuck with him for now." But, of course, they are forbidden to show disrespect for their Deserter in Chief. Military regulations! “There were at least a dozen people taking pictures and videos of me and my sign. Two of them agreed to send their pictures to oralmajorityonline.com. One guy said that he was a regular visitor to the Web site: www.oralmajorityonline.com “I hollered, 'Bush stole the election. Everybody knows it! Bush stole the election!' More hearty affirmations! “Those that appreciated my efforts I urged to join us in Washington D.C. on May 19th. A half-dozen or so copied Votermarch website information. Quite a number of citizens told me that they were glad there was someone like me out here voicing disapproval to what has occurred. Many wanted to shake my hand. Some even gave me a hug. It was an amazing feeling. It more than made up for the few enraged citizens showing—with vulgar signs and epithets-- their disapproval of my message. “I asked these right-wing Bushites: "Is that the new tone in Washington and the character and dignity we've been hearing so much about these days?" Even more hearty affirmations from the crowd. “Although I was the only Oral Majority member there, I was surrounded by new friends and supporters. It became obvious to me that of these millions of ordinary citizens, the great majority know that Al Gore won and that Shrubius stole the election. And that a great wrong now needs to be made right. I don't know where CNN and TIME get their poll numbers, but it certainly isn't from the masses of ordinary citizens on Fort Lauderdale Beach yesterday. “All-in-all, the one thing that I've taken away from this experience is this: “Being in a crowd of that size and cross-section of society, it's clear to me now that the great majority is with us in our resistance but have no outlet or means to express it. Given a chance, in solidarity with others of like intentions, they will support the reclamation of our government. “There are many many people out there that are extremely dismayed and frustrated by the Theft of Democracy. They feel alone in their dismay and when there appears someone else, even if it is only one person such as myself who is willing to stand up to voice disapproval and a willing resistance to the Coup d'etat, they are encouraged and grateful, and made to feel less alone. Americans need to know that they are not alone. We need to reach out to those angry and frustrated citizens that aren't able to access the information that's available to those of us on the internet. If we can do that, we can transform our otherwise dismal destiny. “I am ever more hopeful now than I was two days ago. Ours is a great struggle for the future of our nation, and indeed, of the world. We must not fail.” |